Click HERE and add your prayers!
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Lord, Buddah, whomever is listening, put me somewhere... Dan Simonson
USA - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 20:49:49 (CST)
My prayer goes to all the Tibetans who are leaving in Tibet as well in India also, I Prayers to God every day for our country TO BE FREE and also FOR WORLD PEACE !!!!!
Tenzin Namkha < >
Mpls, Mn USA - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:36:17 (CST)
I would like to pray for the safekeeping of my great aunt who is ill. May God show her mercy.
Also a note to c0nFu5. I agree that it is best to also look within to find the answers we seek. Sometimes it helps to have our own thoughts echoed back from another source before we pay attention.
Canada - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 23:41:23 (CST)
I sit and I think. Who are we prayin to on this page? Truly it is ourselves, for buddhism teaches us that the answer to every question lies within. A person may pray to the heavens, but you'd get a much better answer to listen too if you search yourself. Blessings to all.
USA - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 22:18:18 (CST)
BOG, PROSIM OSTANI Z MANO TER ME VODI NA POTI SKOZI IVLJENJE IN MI DAJ MOI-God,please stay with me on my way all my life and give me power and hope.
Franja Seni
Maribor, SI - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 13:27:52 (CST)
BOG, PROSIM OSTANI Z MANO TER ME VODI NA POTI SKOZI IVLJENJE IN MI DAJ MOI-God, lease stay with me on my way all my life and give me power and hope.
Franja Seni
Maribor, SI - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 13:27:04 (CST)
Thanks to all Buddha from the past until the future!!!
Now my eyes are opened, and i can see the hatred of some others living creatures in this sites.May they gain their own Kamma.
Namo Buddhaya!!!!and Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitata...
Dharmawan < >
indonesia - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 10:33:00 (CST)
May all beings be ever well, happy & peaceful sharing what so ever little merits that i've gained, May all beings be able to see the Dhamma & attain release from Samsara! May all of you experience spiritual bliss! May you all attain the highest goal of your spiritual lineage! *May my students be obedient & gain knowledge from my lessons, May i be able to control anger in my classroom , May i be a good teacher! sampuna < >
Malaysia - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 06:51:47 (CST)
May Diana be given the strength to deal with the demons in her life. Remember that you are not alone Diana, we are all here with you, and though it may not always seem like it God is with you too. You will be n my thoughts and prayers. cheers
USA - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 21:13:16 (CST)
Dear Lord,
I have no money and i am always wanting to buy things, but i cannot. Please help me
jamiezue < >
springdale, pa USA - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 20:54:36 (CST)
I want to thank Janet for that beautiful thought regarding my father. Parents are not perfect but the love / compassion does help to transcend the pain and history. may you have balance and peace in your life!!! Heart felt Thanks!!!
Mark < >
Toledo, Oh USA - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 17:14:14 (CST)
God: I miss her. Could you do something. I know I have made mistakes, but now I see the truth and want a reconciliation.
Alameda, CA USA - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 16:15:48 (CST)
May everyone be happy. May everyone be free from suffering. May no one be separated from their happiness. May everyone have equinimity, free from hatred and attachment.--Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. I pray that the rain of Buddha's blessings pour down into the hearts and minds of all beings, so that all fighting, quarreling, and disharmony be quickly stopped. May all beings be swiftly led to the happiness of supreme enlightenment!
Chris < >
Atlanta, USA - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 10:49:48 (CST)
dear ancestors, thank you for calling me back to your lap, i've lost touch with you for so long. Dear ancestors, pls guide me in the way that u've lived, the way that have brought you peace and hapiness in life. Dear ancestors, thank you for doing so much for the prosperity of the later generation. Dear ancestors, may you all be peaceful in the spirit realm, may you attain realease from this ocean of pain and suffering through practising the Dhamma. Peace to all of your ancestors too, may they have a fortunate rebirth.
sampuna < >
USA - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 06:41:10 (CST)
Thank YOU very much and may THOU Bless all.
Giuseppe Rella < Giusepperella@hotmail.con Giusepperella@hotmail.con >
Brewster,10509, NY USA - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 03:05:17 (CST)
Please dear God help me to forget the two people who plague my mind. Please God erase them from my thoughts and consciousness. Please help me to let go of the old. Please dear God help me to accept myself and to love myself as I am for who I am. Please dear God this pain and conflict in my sould is too much for me to bear. Please God release me from the burden of brainwashing and confusion. Please God help me find a place. God please I need a place to call home. One room even God. I don't care. I can't take this anymore I am getting so sick. Dear God please let this sick warped Satan worshipper let up on me. Please God kill the devil that possesses her. Please God kill it. Please God she injects her Satanic venom in me every day. Please God I can't stand to live with these freaks anymore. Please God give me the strength and resolve to fight my battles and take care of myself. Please dear God help me. I don't know what else to do. I feel like you've abandoned me. You make my life so hard. Why can't I just live a peaceful life God? The pain in my body is killing me too. Dear God please ease up on the suffering. I can't take it anymore. Do you want me to break God? Do you want me to kill myself? Is it that you want me? Is that what it is? I can't think of any other reason why you would eat away at my brain this way.
NYC, USA - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 00:54:22 (CST)
I pray for Harry, Mandersantao's father who passed away, that his beautiful sould go soundly where it is supposed to. May his trip be peaceful and wonderful. God bless you and I hope your fragile heart finds peace and acceptance with your life now changed in such a painful way. I'm sorry and I send love. I don't appreciate my family. I can't stand them as a matter of fact. But I still love them regardless. For someone who liked thier father with the bond of love must be a shot to the heart that I will not know by my immediate parents. Good or bad? I don't know, it just is. I wish you much love and tranquility all the days of your life. Peace be with you and your family.
NYC, USA - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 00:45:37 (CST)
I pray for every person to find love and happiness and success. That every person be safe and healthy. For every person on this planet to recieve recognition or comeupence for there compassion for others or lack of it
alicia milligan < >
St. Catharines, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 00:05:46 (CST)
I pray for my father Harry who died on Sunday. A truly compassionate soul. May all whocared for him be comforted.
Mark < >
Toledo, Oh USA - Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 21:50:59 (CST)
cau cho tat ca nhan loai thoat khoi nan o nhiem cong nghiep nhu hien nay
nguyenkien < >
hanoi, vietnam - Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 21:49:14 (CST)
peace and love to all beings. may they all find their own Way, whatever that may be.
Icarus < >
San Jose, CA USA - Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 01:30:03 (CST)
nothing was...
nothing will be...
everything is...
everything has existence
and is present...
(be kind to each other)
nioka < >
australia - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 08:03:22 (CST)
For over a decade I was an athiest. One day I discovered the teachings of the Buddha and took him as my teacher. As of recently I have again returned to Christianity and taken Jesus as my saviour. What I learned in those ten years is basically this. God or rta or karma or the Tao or what ever the force is that drives us does not speak one language. Each religion is simply the same words in a different translation. We must learn to look beyond the words. cheers
Can. - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 21:16:43 (CST)
I pray that all people in the world, no matter what religio, find peace and happiness in themselves and see that the fighting we do has to stop.
USA - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 15:06:24 (CST)
Na Mo Budh Dha Ya, may i be able to thread the path of purity , may the chalenges of life be a lesson to me, may i never commit another untruth from now, May i be able to fulfil my personal vows, Pure Buddhas & Arahant teachers of all sentient beings : may i be able to follow the path you have threaded. Saddhu! Saddhu! Saddhu!
earth - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 00:49:25 (CST)
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
I pray for understanding and forgiveness, I pray for a world without hatred, violence and suffering. I pray for the unity of Nirvana for all beings. I pray for those who would ridicule and laugh, that they would one day receive understanding. I pray for all those who have need for comfort, that they find their warmth from the stillness inside. I pray for the coming of time that we shall live in peace and unity. I pray for all those people around the world, that hunger, famine and disease would one day be eradicated. Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo BodhiDharma < >
Universal, UK - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 07:54:53 (CST)
Please God help me stop eating. I can't stop eating God! Please help me! It hurts so much inside.
USA - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 00:04:54 (CST)
Dear God thank you for hearing me. I am still in pain though. Please God get me out of this hell. I can't take it anymore. Please help me out God! Please.
NYC, USA - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 23:56:31 (CST)
To my unborn daughter, I pray for your forgiveness in what I am about to do. I wished for better things and a better surrounding to which I hoped to bring you into this world but I cannot. I wanted your father to be a better man but he cannot. I want you to know that I love you dearly and honestly believe that I am doing the right thing. May the light welcome you to a better and purer place than the one in which you may have begun your journey. I hope that we can be together again one day but until then, I will pray every day to you in the hopes of becoming a better mother. Every tear I shed is in your memory and your loss. I may have never seen your face but I am sure that I will recognize you the next time we meet, whether as mother and child or bee and flower. I know I will return to earth at least one more time for committing this crime and pray too that I might become a more enlightened person. My only comfort is that when I look up in the sky and I see a star shine more brightly than the others surrounding it, I will know it is you looking down on me, beckoning me to a more righteous life. To my little angel, I love you and always will.
- Friday, March 22, 2002 at 20:12:15 (CST)
I ask for peace and resolve. Please help my boyfriend's soul and take his pain away so he will open his arms to me. I can only do so much.
Frances < >
portland, or USA - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 15:33:44 (CST)
May all beings be peacful, calm and free from suffering. Jonathan Lucey < jonathan@lucey jonathan@lucey >
Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire USA - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 14:48:07 (CST)
today I ask all loving spirits of the sky and earth, the wind, and water, to hear me today I need to be surrounded
by there golden light,and I ask for guidence, I ask this in the name of peace with all spirits of love and kindness, I wish no harm to befall no one, I pray for the world to find
peace, and to all who read this, may there prayers for peace and love, and healing be answer`d, I ask this only as a man who needs this, peace in my life, and wish it for all who have the wisdom, to now ask the spirits for the same,
you only have to try to practice dailey, to empty your hearts, of hate and the desire to cause pain to others,
to the earth spirit please allow abuntant food to grow,
to the sky spirits, i ask for gentle rain to feed that which
grows from the earth,to the spirit of wind, pleae carrie my words to all spirits who are of love and kindness, and give
mankind strength and wisdom, to repair it self, and the good sence to know where to statr? Thank you, to all who have heard me, Oldbones of the world ??
ralph knierim < >
oly, wa USA - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 14:34:13 (CST)
May your days be filled with love. May you always know the feeling of a peaceful soul. Remember to forgive.
L < >
USA - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 12:32:30 (CST)
please God protect me and my family and my fiance. grant peace in our hearts and guide us in the road of our uncertainty.
elizabeth < >
FL USA - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 11:25:57 (CST)
May the seed of Bodhi touch the hearts of those like Crusader Abraham so that they may understand the meaning of Spirituality is beyond labels, it's up to us 2 inteprete it. May he see that the basis of spiritual practices are the freedom frm greed,hatred & delusion. It's our own choice to choose whay we want to call 'the only road to salvation'. Our Lord Teacher, Gautama Buddha reminded us the Dhamma is not for clinging , for the nature of Dhamma is understanding and freedom frm attachment. Yes, the true joy is truely freedom frm attachment!
spiritjoy, earth - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 06:08:02 (CST)
All praise to our Lady for the coming of Spring, and the turning of the Wheel to the time of Renewal-all Life is awakening to burst forth in new growth-may our souls blossom, find nurture and grow in time to ripeness! May we plant the seeds of compassion, understanding, and love within our hearts and tend them mindfully, by and by to share the fruit with all beings...together, each in our own way, may we cultivate Peace. Asking for blessings and prayers from everyone of any faith for my best friend, her two daughters, her sister, and her whole family, all of whom at present are experiencing many difficulties and illnesses-may each of them receive the help they need in whatever way is most appropriate for everyone concerned. May all beings in all the worlds be blessed. So mote it be.
USA - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 23:53:07 (CST)
Who are you all praying to? There is no God or creator in Tao.
Harry < >
ellenton, fl USA - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 17:26:38 (CST)
Please dear God get into my uncles heart, warm it and open it. I need his help. Please help him to help me dear God. Please dear God help him to help me, I need it badly. Please God help him when he reads my letter to be warmed and want to help me instead of judge me. Please dear God help me.
NYC, USA - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 13:33:08 (CST)
Hannah Boardman. My daughter. I miss you and one day we will be together again ;o)
Neil-David Jaynes < >
brighton, Uk - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 07:20:24 (CST)
An 'eye for an eye' would leave the whole world blind. -
USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 23:02:52 (CST)
I pray for civilization, because it is falling. Across our nation we judge. The death penalty, abortion, and euthanasia are judgements against one's right to live. We all deserve life. We humans are in no position to judge -- EVER. It is judgement that ruins us all. Let nature be the great judge of men and let the evil be on their shoulders -- not your own. Bless us all!
Strza < >
St.C., OH USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 23:00:39 (CST)
Dear God my soul is hurting and I want your help. I can't take the chaos anymore. I can't take the pain anymore. I can't take living like this anymore God. Please help me. Please get me out of this mess that I am in right now. Please dear God give me a good attorney and let the judge let me go Dear God. Please dear God. Let this all be a bad memory. Let me learn from this God please. And help me with my problem God. Please help me with my problem. Dear God help me get healthy. Please bless my family and freinds who help me as well. Dear God please take me in your arms and redeem me. Give me peace God. Please dear God bless me with peace.
NYC, USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 22:40:51 (CST)
Wanted to share this with everyone as a reminder that we need to remember how blessed most of us are. So often in the midst of our day-to-day troubles, we forget...may the All-Gracious grant all who need exactly what is needed...If you live in a good home, have plenty to eat and can read, you are member of a very select group. And if you have a good house, food, can read and have a computer, you are among the very elite. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... you are more fortunate than the million who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation ... you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you can attend a worship service without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or are fortunate, for more than three billion people in the world can't. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back,a roof overhead and a place to are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. If your parents are still alive and still are very rare, even in the United States. If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly are blessed because the majority can, but most do not. If you can hold
someone's hand, hug them or even touch them on their are blessed because you can offer healing touch. If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.
This was copied from an email a friend forwarded-blessed be!
USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 21:10:40 (CST)
Um... I pray that the mother ship comes to get me soon 'cause this planet sux. Mi < NoSpamPlease@aol.sux NoSpamPlease@aol.sux >
Uranus, USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 19:55:18 (CST)
I pray that the one true God in heaven, Yahweh would touch the hearts of all who post on this prayerbook. Amen.
crusader Abrahm
USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 19:11:03 (CST)
dear buddha,
sometimes i wonder if your love,peace and goodness still exists.It does,in all those who smile,laugh or cry tears of exist in all those who help have won.
USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 08:07:02 (CST)
i wish all those who visit this site to feel the calm,peace and the good feeling that i am to all.
sarika < >
USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 08:03:58 (CST)
Thank you for the beauty of early spring snow and the nurture it brings to the earth it falls on. Thank you for the simple joys of life and of living. May the people who come here seeking help and comfort find all that they need. Please help me to remain mindful and in gratitude of the blessings You shower on me every day-may all beings be blessed with all needful things, and with joy, an open heart, and peace. May we all awaken together, compassionate and simply love one another. Be it so.
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 22:02:29 (CST)
I pray for good health, or at least for an answer and treatment for what ails me. I also pray for the strength, courage and love that I need to carry on through life and all that comes with it. Love you all, spread the love and find the joy. :)
Lauren < undisclosed undisclosed >
Indianapolis, IN USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 21:55:07 (CST)
I pray that I may release that which inhibits my spiritual growth and service. That I may find surrender unto truth and love for all beings. That the truth that I find may flow forth from my being and light the way of the many.
Terry < >
Denver, CO USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 21:30:00 (CST)
dear jesus, please help my brother stop using heroin and clean up his life, he is very ill and he is killing my mother and me with his desease,! pleases hear me now as i am
asking he be cured by your love and kindness, as he believes in you, and he believes in goodness, and we can no longer help him ! please cure him or take him from this world to your kingdom, please give him piece, please give my mother peace as she is to old for all he needs, he is good inside,only the evil of drugs has a hold on him
and he is to weak to fight it with out your help, please give him the chance to do good in your name, I ask this in the name and on the blood of jesus who died for our sins
I ask this in the name of love and of kindness, and I to promise to do good in your name,and in the name of love and of kindness, and shoud you feel it better to take him from here I will still do good in the name of love and kindness
a promise on the blood of jesus, and please help stop the use of these drugs as they are candy from hell only for the
weak, who cannot help them selves, please give him piece
and remove from him this demon! I ask this in the name of jesus, who died for our sin`s.
ralph knierim < >
olympia, wa USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 18:59:19 (CST)
I pray for an end to the torment of being torn between my mind and my heart. And i pray for all lovers who hare in my torment
Vito San Lucce < >
richmond, va USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 13:55:20 (CST)
I have depression and anxieti,I pray for deliverance.
namka < namka@msn.ccom namka@msn.ccom >
falls church, va USA - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 23:03:13 (CST)
I pray that I may find inner peace. I want to be able to have a good nights sleep. I also pray for courage to find a religion and be able to stick with it no matter what.
Shawn Appletoft < >
Omaha, NE USA - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 21:31:11 (CST)
I hope that in the afterlife that i meet Sara lunned, Brook Owens and Sarah Wilisy
Istovich < >
Sydney, N.S.W Australia - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 22:42:23 (CST)
I hope to meet sara lunned in the after life
sydney, nsw Australia - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 22:36:42 (CST)
Phra Puth,Phra Tham,Phra Song hye phon!Sabbe dukha, sabbe rogo ca vinassatu ! Nathi me saranam annam, Tiratana me saranam varam : etena sacca vajena sothi te hotu sabada! yam kinci vittam idha va huram va,
saggesu va yam ratanam panitam:
na no samam atthi Tathagatena,
idampi Buddhe ratanam panitam,
etena saccena suvatthi hotu
Jayohi Buddhassa siri matto ayyam, Mara sa ca papimatto para jayo, Jayantada Brahma gana Mahe sino, etena saccena jayassu tuiham. Jayohi Buddhassa siri matto ayyam, Mara sacca papimatto para jayo, Jayantada Deva gana mahe sino, Etena saccena jayassu tuiham.Jayohi Budhassa siri matto ayyam, Mara sacca papimatto parajayo, Jayantada Naga ganna mahe sino, Etena sacce na jayassu tuiham. By virtues of the pure Awakened Ones, the virtues of Truth, the virtues of the saintly Sages, may peace, truth and happiness prevail! sampuna < >
kota samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 07:29:54 (CST)
May I see the light and am able to be successful and find a position that I enjoy.
USA - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 00:02:14 (CST)
I'm in desperate need and tribulation. I've lost my job and ran out of money. Last week the doctors found a deformation in the back of the skull of my 3-year-old daugther, that they have to operate. Sometimes I can hardly breathe. I'm in a terrible situation. Please help me! Pray for my daugther's life
Rudy Rodriguez < >
Hidalgo, TX USA - Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 01:40:52 (CST)
I'm wishing for the simple understanding that many have reached, and many more have not...that our violence is not an answer, but just another addition to our chaos. At this point all I can do is wish, too many people are too set in their ways, and I'd like to say that I'm not, but nothing tells me one way or the other beyond myself, when it all comes down to a decision. I suppose I am wishing everyone, including myself, to have the wisdom to know when they're wrong, or at least the wisdom to listen to another side's arguments.
Caelte < >
USA - Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 21:01:40 (CST)
I pray that my girlfriend resolves her problems so that we may live in permanent happiness. Also I pray for well-being of all. Thank you my friends. Namaste
MA USA - Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 17:44:19 (CST)
One of my favorite movies is The Color Purple. At the
end of this amazing story of forgiveness and redemption,
Shug Avery, the morally loose and wayward daughter of
the towns fiercely pious black minister, breaks through
the doors of her fathers church while the choir sings,
If I were you I would say yes,
Speak Lord,
Speak to me
Well you cant sleep at night
And you sure wonder why
Well maybe God is trying to tell you something
You cry all night long
Something has gone wrong
Well maybe God is trying to tell you something
God is trying to tell you something
God is trying to tell you something
Maybe God is trying to tell you something right
At the height of the spiritual exuberance, Shug falls into
the arms of her father, and their relationship is restored
through her fathers forgiveness.
There is a sense, every time we enter into the house of
Godif we are attentivethat we will hear the voice of
God calling us to Him. If we will drown out the sounds
of the world that bombard us with the messages of
materialism, fear, immorality and selfishness, we will
feel the Holy Spirit beckoning us to love, joy, peace and
There have been so many times that we have walked into
worship, needing to fall into our Fathers arms, to know
that we are loved and forgiven, to know our Fathers joy
in us, and needing to know that He is in control.
God is truly trying to tell us something. God calls us to
celebrate and to be glad, because were dead but we
have been made alive again (Luke 15:31-32). As we
prepare for worship, let us focus on the love,
forgiveness and redemption of God!
Brent James
Worship leader and pastoral assistant to The Crossing
Crusader Abrahm
USA - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 22:17:43 (CST)
to us, god has no meaning as a creator. If god means salvation, then we see it as the state where greed,hatred & delusion are cured : Nibanna. As the workings of nature, god is nature's Law, The Panca Niyama.Utu Niyama, Bija Niyama, Chitta Niyama, Damma Niyama and Karma Niyama.
Utu Niyama explains all events that happen due to inorganic occurrences. Some examples are weather, earthquakes, and volcanoes. The root cause of Utu Niyama is heat energy.
Bija Niyama explains all the similarities that occur to organic things due to genetics. An example would be a rice seed creating a rice plant and not an orange tree. Another example is how a child has the same hair colour or eye colour as their parents.
Damma Niyama explains all things that occur because of natural laws. An example would be the law of gravity.
Chitta Niyama explains all the things that occur because of the development of one's mind. One example would be the ability to move through astral travel.
The above mentioned laws explain similarities passed down through generations and give the cause of certain disasters. However karma is the law that explains and gives reasons why there are inequalities among mankind. The law of Karma explains Cause and Effect. There's no God=Creator in the Buddha's teaching.
kenyalang bhumi - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 08:26:21 (CST)
I wonder about two things,who/what is the GOD for buddhists?
And who/what is "the devil"?
Just wondering
Thomas < >
Norway - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 02:04:55 (CST)
Christian God is forgetful : see this ! GE 1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created.
GE 2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created.
WHO WAS HERE FIRST? now tell me whose god is false! (or is he/she so forgetful?) spirit talk
Earth - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 01:35:17 (CST)
I hope that the people that have posted in vain on this forum have a small think of what they are doing. To be indifferent is just so, but to be patronising is simply unjust. Lets unite, regardless of our backgrounds, and perhaps recognise this is actually a buddhist forum, not a church, or an emancipative forum for anger.
My best wishes to everyone who comes here seeking knowledge, and anyone who returns, and my thanks to sidhatta gotoma for enlightening the world, and preventing wars, fear, hatred and bigotry.
Jacob. D. Gray
Jacob < >
Darwin, NT Australia - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 00:51:30 (CST)
We are each and every one a part of the same Infinite-may we all awaken to recognize our diverse visions of Divinity and ourselves as brilliant facets of the same Beautiful Gem, and so treasure and treat with reverence all that lives. May each of the people who have come to this place seeking help and healing be given whatever they and theirs truly need in abundance. May all beings in all the worlds be blessed. I offer gratitude and give thanks for all that life is...
- Monday, March 11, 2002 at 20:22:52 (CST)
I pray that the one true God in heaven, Yahweh would touch the hearts of all who post on this prayerbook. Amen.
Crusader Abrahm
USA - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 20:08:47 (CST)
im constipated, please send a prayer for my ass and cry for me plz, call me, send a mail 555-1234
Chuckles McMuray < >
USA - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 09:39:11 (CST)
i want to have a hamburger, plead and cry for me
horny bob < >
sarament, USA - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 09:35:29 (CST)
Phra Puth Phra Chow hye phon, Lokha sabai dee jai jai, Thammo Maha Chaiyo, Sabbe Satta Sukhi Hontu Punnyani Pakha Thani Me !The Awaken One, guide us to see! Bless that the world to be a better place, May the Truth triumph, May all beings be ever well and happy sharing my merits with me! Saddhu! Saddhu! Saddhu! sampuna < >
Malaysia - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 08:28:23 (CST)
My friends grandmother is in the hospital, and it doesn't look good. They just moved her to the IC unti today. Please pray for her, she is such a wounderful grannie.
Jeb < >
USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 21:56:08 (CST)
A friend of my friends is pregnant and wants to have an abortion. I don't know what to do or say other then to let her find to peace of the Tao inside her and make the right desicion, whatever that may be.
Jeb < >
USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 21:35:53 (CST)
USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 20:00:49 (CST)
I pray that everyone who chastises another due to their believe cralls out of their ignorent holl and learn self restraint and reverance. Expand your mind and remember. No one likes a jerk.
May whatever god(s) you believe in watch over you.
As for me personally: I pray that Buddha gives me the power to live each day by each moment, never allowing me to miss a wonderful part of existance.
USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 19:32:31 (CST)
I hope and pray that someday those who call themselves Christians but would show at least a fragment of the deep respect and devotion to our Lord Buddha that we buddhist show to Lord Jesus Christ. Peace and Compassion be unto the World! We bow reverently to the Buddha withing you it does not matter if you are Christian, Muslim, Jew or Hindu. There is no distinction. Truth is not a private property of a sect religion, race, creed or philosophy. Remember before Jesus Buda was ... and both teachings are similar in essence... Love God Love your neighbor. The Lord of Great Compassion Bless you all dear ones. Om Shanti Shalom Paz Peace
Profesor Zellagro < >
Miami Beach, FL USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 12:43:46 (CST)
I pray that the one true God in heaven, Yahweh would touch the hearts of all who post on this prayerbook. Amen.
Crusader Abrahm
USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 01:49:01 (CST)
There is one God looking on us all.We are all children of one God. God is listining to me.The sun,the darkness, the winds, are all listening to what we now say.
GERONIMO said these words.
USA - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 17:04:47 (CST)
let us buddhist be as we are : openly accept i)there's uniqueness in everyone, ii)everyone is able to become holy through enlightenment iii)believing non Buddhist are not condemned to hell for their belief in righteousness and wholesome spiritual cleansing Recognizing this fact, Buddhists have not terrorized anyone with threats of eternal hell for not being Buddhist.I am proud to be a Buddhist and traditional Chinese religionist at the same time. Peace to all. sampuna < >
Malaysia - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 08:41:06 (CST)
reading through these prayers I had only one thought crossing my mind: HOW MANY TIME WILL PASS UNTIL WE ALL REALIZE GOD IS THE SAME IN EVERY RELIGION?
Italy - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 06:56:06 (CST)
I pray that Budhists would become christians
and worship only Jesus Christ!!!
Gerald J. Pinks < >
Bismarck, ND USA - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 23:46:17 (CST)
I dislike this site the only thing I like is the music.
an angry person
USA - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 18:05:16 (CST)
I pray that all the people who's loved ones died in the september tradgerdy, find it in thier hearts to try and forgive the terribel thing that crap hole(binladen) did.
shikira < >
england - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 14:00:13 (CST)
I pray That My brother who is very ill make his way back to good health and heal my family that has been through so much
LA, CA USA - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 21:48:58 (CST)
may crusader abraham accept the fact that there are more than one road to Rome ! spirit touch in in different manner, let it be so, Peace !
earth - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 21:34:10 (CST)
I pray that I can be the most compassionate and respectful that I can be..I pray that I remember to see past the bad and choose to see only the beautiful.
Jamie < >
Zephyrhills, Fl USA - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 16:02:22 (CST)
Buddah fershetta smoked buddah
you jewish fagget
Sean Doyle < >
phoenix , az USA - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 13:26:49 (CST)
peace dude's
natalie sager < >
Brisbane, USA - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 20:08:59 (CST)
May people of every faith find strength,joy,and peace in practicing whatever teachings they espouse with their whole heart and being; may we all rejoice with one another and realize we all see the same Divine from different places of reference-and are all part of It ourselves. May we learn love, and awaken as One. So mote it be.
USA - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 19:45:25 (CST)
Hinduism is even cooler!!!!!!!!!!!!
USA - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 16:48:52 (CST)
USA - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 16:46:46 (CST)
God is cool join christianity!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USA - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 16:45:33 (CST)
i hope all people in the world can come to us in peace and stop all war plzzzzzzzzzzzz by
cm78he vicky < >
uk, uk - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 12:20:37 (CST)
I pray to god to help me get through the day the hard work days.
USA - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 05:18:17 (CST)
I pray that the one true God in heaven, Yahweh would touch the hearts of all who post on this prayerbook.
Crusader Abrahm
USA - Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 23:26:58 (CST)
A long happy life full of health and blessings to little Ian Michael who was born just today-may young Ian and his whole family find joy and the richness of love all their days and years together. So mote it be!
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 22:27:27 (CST)
Dhamma as Law or Dhamma as individual(Creator,God etc), how we see it is true to us, let the concepts be as it is. Practice the spiritual peace in your path & may you achieve spiritual peace of your choosen path ! Triratana hye phon, charoen phon ! sampuna < >
Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 21:51:03 (CST)
I Pray for the love all of mankind deserve, i pray we all find peace and strenghth within ourselves,i pray for thoses less fortunate and sick.i pray for all those i know to be surrounded in loveand be courageous to follow their path to there dreams and to never feel alone or empty.i pray the feel their blessed light that shines within.
vitt < >
mel, vic australia - Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 21:45:25 (CST)
Wishes, hopes and prayers for all those who write asking help for sick loved ones, with the struggles in their lives, for any of us who suffer for whatever reason, to be blessed with all which will fill their needs in the most beneficial matter for all concerned. May they take heart, find courage, find healing, and know love. May the Israelis and Palestinians, the Moslems and Hindus in India, and any peoples who are in conflict all over the world find a way to work together to make peace; may peace begin with how each and every one of us treats each being whose paths we cross. May we be aware of this each and every day, and practice this each and every day. Dear people, it needs to happen soon. Please let's do it. May all be blessed.
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 19:45:33 (CST)
i want to have a banana
person < >
USA - Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 11:20:02 (CST)
Look, im on the internet, YAY!!!!!!
Shamufassa < >
Birmingham, BL USA - Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 03:41:33 (CST)
I pray for everyone in israel, and palestine.
Columbus, OH USA - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 20:41:41 (CST)
N. BABYLON, NY USA - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 11:38:22 (CST)
Please bless everyone with good health.
Xavier Tan < >
SIN - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 08:45:52 (CST)
(*L M)..B.:*E@
aa a@i < >
aaaa japan - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 06:35:26 (CST)
Dear Buddha I wish for a computer with a really cool stuff on it and i wish for all the money in the world and all the stuff that every else want Amen
Jeremy Baldwin
Bristol, Uk - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 05:22:39 (CST)
And dear brothers and sisters of all creeds, think on this: we are all of us facets of the same Beautiful Jewel-what a wonder would this world be if we all chose to live up to that? Life is so precious. Believe it.
USA - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 20:25:01 (CST)
Thank you, All-Gracious Mother, for Your innumerable blessings:for love, for friends, for having enough, for that incredible one-of-a-kind sunset over the mountains this child of yours was privileged to witness this evening; may all beings be awakened to their own blessedness and find thier needs met: may those who hunger be filled, those who thirst be slaked; may all sick and hurt ones be healed, those who suffer be comforted, may all find joy, may all find peace. Please help all beings to realize love in all its genuine forms, and may we all extend that love in turn to each and every being we encounter. By Your Light, so mote it be!
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 20:19:36 (CST)
Supreme Divine Power. i bow my head in humility. i humble my spirit before the sacred presence that is known by countless names, among the sentient beings of the universe. i offer myself, to be a prism of compassion and loving-kindness. i confess i have sinned; i have harmed others and myself, through acts of delusion, envy, lust, pride, and hatred. i praise the awesomeness of creation, where we find the promise of redemption. i pray to find the lessons available in my life today. i pray that the sacred presence will abide. i pray to be worthy to recite the Boddhisatvas' vow. i vow to help all sentient beings. i vow to abandon avarice, pride, and hatred. i vow to study the sacred writings. i vow to follow the Buddhas' paths.
huntsville, tx USA - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 14:15:34 (CST)
God bless us all.
Amiracle Nalory < >
cleveland, TN USA - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 13:29:58 (CST)
1st : I worship to you the Enlightened One or Buddha and hope to get guidelines throughout the teaching of dharma as well as in with mixing the right teachings of yours within friends within the right time.
2nd : Praying for the sake of the world, that the world is peaceful in sense that no war with sacrificing of human life is here
3rd : praying for family wellfulness and good health.
Colin Loh < >
SG, SINGAPORE - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 09:14:11 (CST)
1st : I worship to you the Enlightened One or Buddha and hope to get guidelines throughout the teaching of dharma as well as in with mixing the right teachings of yours within friends within the right time.
2nd : Praying for the sake of the world, that the world is peaceful in sense that no war with sacrificing of human life is here
3rd : praying for family wellfulness and good health.
Colin Loh < >
SG, Singapore - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 09:10:44 (CST)
1st : I worship to you the Enlightened One or Buddha and hope to get guidelines throughout the teaching of dharma as well as in with mixing the right teachings of yours within friends within the right time.
2nd : Praying for the sake of the world, that the world is peaceful in sense that now war with sacrificing of human life is here
3rd : praying for family wellfulness and good health.
Colin Loh < >
SG, Singapore - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 09:09:55 (CST)
pray for my sister. she is going to a tuff divorce.i hope she will be safe and protected. protection and prayer is what she needs.pray for her and a good outcome.
brenda rodriguez < brenrod78870@yahoo,com brenrod78870@yahoo,com >
uvalde, tx USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 19:27:40 (CST)
please pray for my boys .help them attain knowledge and have them futher their keep their heads straight.jared and mario.
brenda rodriguez < >
uvalde, tx USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 19:13:28 (CST)
That God grant me insight and the healing ability to help the group under my care. That my family will have the insight, strength, and understanding to withstand the stresses and help required of them for the difficult job I have vowed to do for you.
Bless Your Holy Name.
Joe Kelly < >
Fontana, CA USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 14:04:44 (CST)
Dow Quan Chien Jee~Dow Quan Sheng Jee~Dow Yang Quan Yin Jee.
Dow Dai Jee-
Aum,Gate, Gate, Para Gate, Para Sumgate Bodhi Svaha!
Aum, Mani Padme Hung, Hrih.May All Life be Blessed!!
n/a michael s. jasionis < >
Washington, DC USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 08:25:10 (CST)
Phra Puth Pen Chow Maha Karuna, Phra Thammak Maha Panna, Phra Sang Maha Punna Khetam, Etena Sacca Vajena Hotu Majjima Patipada Jaya Mangalam!
bhumi - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 06:10:55 (CST)
I PRAY I pray for the future generation, and the present one for there is a great change coming to this earth, i pray for life and death i pray for all human beens for they have lost their souls and forgotten that we are all in the center of the midle of the bigest point of energy i pray for all livings things for decadence and suffering have never been as they will come to the world i pray for all angels to come to hearth and help the family and the mother and the borhter in blood for we al are the same blood and the same kind and the same color i pray for the future generation for their lives will be enlighten to crete a world with out differences some day ti wil be i know in my heart i feel and my eyes can see how life is slowly leaving and mother hearth is now dying fro the etop of the hill to the very center epicenter of her insides leaving beens are compliting the circle of life li ke the butterfly that once flew and now is dead that is the freedom of all humans beens is no longer here, like the wind of of planet that cnat not longer be trusted that is all fauna and greens like te water of all oceans that is mothers silaba who is completed the cycle of dehidartions and can't no longer dilute the hate greedynes and selfisness of all human beens .I pray for all eatible anymal,eatible green and plants on hearth i pray for them i pray not for me not for you not for my mother who dies day by day or me who is different look at it from all points i hold all the difference this world cant not accept and holds to punish al human beens i pray not for me cose i will be free at die i pray for noone here for there is no reason to pray till they find their own pray ,
beware of the continents of all oceans and off all rivers and in the very far away land where life ws once light no will come to darken it i pray but wish i had not pray .
n/a julio garcia < >
LONG BEACH, CA USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 02:56:14 (CST)
I pray that I find a job that I can stick with and enjoy and be able to support myself, get a house, find a wife that loves me as well as I love her and be able to have a good family with lovely children and pets and not have major health or money problems.
USA - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 23:13:17 (CST)
Lord God, pls guide and bless all the missionaries to the regions beyond where they were to preach Your gospel as You have commanded them to do so. Give them Lord the power and boldness to teach the simple way of salvation which You have promised in John 3:16 "..that whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life." Lord, we believe in your promises and I also pray before you oh Lord that makes us blessings to the unsaved, makes us an instrument for others souls to be got saved. Thank you,Lord for your kind heart. I also pray oh Lord our Pastor and our missionaries in diff. places and countries, our pastoral staffs and sunday school teachers, and all church members. In Jesus name,Amen.
Landmark Bible Baptist Church Bro. Manny < >
Cabanatuan City, Phillipines - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 07:39:38 (CST)
Lord God, pls guide and bless all the missionaries to the regions beyond where they were to preach Your gospel as You have commanded them to do so. Give them Lord the power and boldness to teach the simple way of salvation which You have promised in John 3:16 "..that whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life." Lord, we believe in your promises and I also pray before you oh Lord that makes us blessings to the unsaved, makes us an instrument for others souls to be got saved. Thank you,Lord for your kind heart. I also pray oh Lord our Pastor and our missionaries in diff. places and countries, our pastoral staffs and sunday school teachers, and all church members. In Jesus name,Amen.
Landmark Bible Baptist Church Bro. Manny Salvador < >
Cabanatuan City, Phillipines - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 07:20:55 (CST)
Please, help the children, they are so many and so helpless.
wu ming
USA - Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 17:40:13 (CST)
Dadaa, Creator of all things, today I ask that you bless those who have entered this site in search of you. We, my husband and Iare waiting to hear about his blood tests, I ask that wharever we may hear, whatever results you will give us the strength and knowledge to handle everything. I know that and I trust that you are watching over us at all times. Bless my husband, he needs to be well, for we have much to live for in a healthy state of mind, body and spirit. I thank you for hearing me and sharing my prayers with you and those who may read this. I ask that you hear us all and grant what you must in order that we are all blessed.
willa fyllesvold < >
minotnd, USA - Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 13:49:05 (CST)
I thank God for sites like this where all of us can come together to worship!!!!
Sherry < >
Spring Hill, TN USA - Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 13:16:08 (CST)
Dear Ones,
Please Pray for Sally Scharnberg, Ted Rose, Sarah Chapman, Lisa Chapman, Stewart Chapman, Claudia Gaisford, Abbie Chapman, Luis Tavares, and Cass Burkhart for Healing and Hope and Guidance and Strength.
Thank you very much,
USA - Monday, February 25, 2002 at 18:11:07 (CST)
I pray that we all may be in total nirvana. As I look around me i see just of how pointless fighting is. Everwere I turn to i see signs of people saying this person is wrong for believing this or that. Why should we condemn people who our only trying to improve themselves and man in all. Master buddha help me gain a perspective that i may help my fellow friends understand life in the ways you do, amen
ben < >
tulsa, ok USA - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 13:05:51 (CST)
I pray that all turn aside form their false religions and turn to Christ our savior.
Crusader Abraham
USA - Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 19:14:09 (CST)
i pray that i do well in school so my mother will be proud of me
brittney something < >
toronto, ont canada - Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 17:24:53 (CST)
Bydgoszcz, Poland - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 17:33:40 (CST)
I pray that my first granddaughter born on Feb,13, 2002, named Jadyn Leilani, will have a loving,peaceful, healthy, happy,free from fear,be protected from harm, and that she may be awakened liberated and free.
Catherine < >
USA - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 17:31:31 (CST)
I wish my father to have a long healthy life and that I recieve happyness not only through the world but through the lord.
E < >
Houston, Tx. USA - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 11:44:12 (CST)
i share merits with all the animals that're slaughtered on Aidul Adha. May they have better rebirth once they've repaid the debt of blood in full. May they attain release from samsara by virtue of the Dhamma medicine. Saddhu!
sampuna < >
Kota Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 06:54:49 (CST)
John 14
Jesus is the Way to the Father
5Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"
6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If
you really knew me, you would know[1] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen
Crusader Abraham
San Jose, Ca. USA - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 00:16:33 (CST)
USA - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 16:50:39 (CST)
Please pray for me and help me throught my daily activities and help me through the day and help me fall in love and give me thje courage to live through the day.
Justin Anderson
` - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 10:25:59 (CST)
peace in the world...the power of prayer
st. louis, mo USA - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 06:36:37 (CST)
PHOENIX, AZ USA - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 01:48:57 (CST)
PHOENIX, AZ USA - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 01:48:02 (CST)
I sincerely pray that all who enter here remember that it is a place of PRAYER, not a place for sanctifying onself or preaching your personal beliefs to those who have no interest in buying what you are selling. I pray that all people being oppressed all over the world due to forced religious and political agendas be freed from the overzealous. I pray that the type of vanity (hey , a deadly sin) that causes one person to feel that he has the right and priviledge to chastise others for how they speak to god be shown an enlightenment of soul and learn to be at peace with himself and others. Please remember...there are those who wish to find comfort or offer prayers, and not to sift through childish bickering and streetcorner zealot preaching. May all be well and Happy!
USA - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 00:06:00 (CST)
to always be happy and realize the wonder of our world and to live in peace
katie < >
USA - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 15:19:31 (CST)
May all who come here to seek peace find it, may there be peace accompanying your every breath, whatsoever merits that i've gained, i share with all beings! may righteousness reign the realms!may all unenlightened beings see the Dhamma and be awake!
sampuna < >
Samarahan, sarawak Malaysia - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 06:17:33 (CST)
I pray that those who need comfort find it. and I pray for Angela, for her strength and continued bravery in this trying time! God Speed Angela, hang in there!!
Fl USA - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 20:13:45 (CST)
I pray for overcome anger and depression, because of problems in my marriage. I feel hurt because my husband aand his family have humiliated me since we married. The pain and revolt were so intense that I decided to give up on this marriage.Now, my husband refuses to help me financially and broke his promise to buy a home for me. I have too many bills to pay and do not have money enough to do it.I feel threatened because I do not know if I will afford to pay my rent next month. My anger and my fear have paralysed me have prevented from work or concentrate on my tasks. I feel I have poisoned myself with sadness, anger, fear and the pain of rejection. God, send your angels to heal my soul, to clear all the bad memories and the obssession for claiming for justice. Free me from darkness and give me Your sacred Love and Wisdom. Be my support Holy Father,and help me in my everyday life.
Angela < >
Brazil - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 18:59:39 (CST)
I pray with Gods help that soon be working in the vocation that I had gone to school for. I also pray for my Uncle Bern, that God heals him of his recent illness and that he stays close to God.
Mike Bianchi < >
rockledge, Fl USA - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 11:51:12 (CST)
I pray for enlightenment for myself and my family. I pray for God to hear me and forgive me. I pray Joshua finds compassion, understanding, and love. I pray for all those suffering and all those who will suffer. May they live, learn, accept, and grow. In the name of God, amen.
jax, NC USA - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 07:42:03 (CST)
I pray for my sister who, two years ago, converted to Catholicism, and now sits in judgment on everyone around her (no offense to the Catholic church per se.) Her viewpoints are completely black and white; her way is the only way, and everyone else will enter hell for not believing as she does. She yells and screams at people at the top of her voice; she gets high on pot daily, and curses constantly, but yet she thinks she is still above everyone else, entirely. It is effecting our relationship and her relationships with others. She can't see her hypocrisy - and refuses to allow that maybe she isn't all knowing and holy. I know I have to deal with my own feelings and attitudes about her, because I cannot change her, but it is hard when she is patronizing and mean to me and other people in our lives. She is the only family I have, and her children are my children's only family. Therefore, I pray that we can overcome these differences and move beyond ego and pride, toward a place of better tolerance, love and understanding. I also pray for understanding in my relationship with my friend who has turned against me and just wish people could be nice for a change. My friend has mistreated me and I have spoken up for myself, which has made her completely withdraw. I understand how we are not supposed to "fight" for things; instead, we should let them happen and accept them. However, I ask how we can have peace of mind without taking up for ourselves and refusing to let people walk all over us. I feel that is our right: to not let people consistently hurt us and treat us badly. Then, when you speak your mind, they don't like it at all. I pray for resolution with these things, as well as help with my career in which I am trying so hard to succeed. For everyone who enters a request for prayer at this site, I pray for you: for peace, happiness, health, love and good things to happen. For the world, I pray the we love one another, try to stay peaceful and nonviolent, and help those less fortunate. If we all do one kind thing per day, for another human being, just think of how much happier and peaceful the world would be. In lieu of the way the world is today, I ask that we all pray together for peace and understanding, that we all send positive thoughts out into the universe, that we all practice "random acts of kindness." Thanks for listening, and happy thoughts to all of you out there...
st. louis, mo USA - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 03:44:21 (CST)
Today the Chinese dedicate this day, (Thanksgiving Day) to the Jade Emperor, creator of all gods and creatures, giver of blessings and sustainer of Life. We thank you, our Lord, for the wonderful blessings of the past years. May this new year be dedicated to our spiritual renewal. Pls forgive us of our shortcomings.We humbly seek blessings and guidance for both spiritually and materially.May this new year be ever peaceful. Liew Peng Chuan < >
Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 00:45:36 (CST)
I pray Father that i may open Shenikwa's eyes to your truth, that you may give me the right words and the right arguements to pull her from the darkness of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Jesus, i need your help, and i need the prayers of many to triumph in this, that she may be with my in this life and the next. God i beg you to be with me and strengthen me as you weaking the watchtower. Amen.
Jerry White < >
Orcutt, Ca USA - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 00:14:46 (CST)
May all beings be at peace with themselves and the rest of the world. The world has had enough of hatred, even Mother Nature is affected by our negative vibes, pls send out positive vibes to all beings : May u b well , happy & peaceful ! :) May our gods/goddesses be at peace too :)
sampuna < >
Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Monday, February 18, 2002 at 02:08:51 (CST)
I pray (it's been a while since I've used those words) that I will live a life of integrity, even if it is a struggle to do so. I hope that one day I will realise this cycle of life and attachment for what it is. Most importantly, I pray that I will be able to let go.
USA - Monday, February 18, 2002 at 00:02:13 (CST)
I pray for peace and love to all in the world. I pray for an end to suffering. I hope this thought will spread like the ripples on a pond. I wish you all peace, love and enlightenment.
England - Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 14:10:30 (CST)
You are viewing these prayers for a reason. Perhaps you seek comfort in a time of loss. Perhaps you feel as though you need to contribute "good" energy to help calm a "chaotic" world. Whatever your reason, it involves overcoming "evil", pain, or loss for yourself or for others. But do you truly know the cause or the nature of the evil, pain, or loss you wish to destroy? As you can see in your daily life, all things in the world are constantly changing. Some change faster than others. If everything changed at the same rate or not at all, no single thing could exist. Since we are all essentially the same thing (all things in the universe had one single origin, be it creation or evolution, and constantly share matter and energy), the only distinction comes from different parts of this one thing having different rates of change. Some things in the world change at slower rates than we do. We consider these things to be permanent, even though they aren't. Other things change at faster rates than we do. We consider these things to be temporary, which they are. Our view of reality is created from our senses and our mind (our complete being) We greatly value this being and work to fulfill its needs and desires. We consider everything which supports our complete being as "good". We wish for those "good" things to change slower than us so we may benefit from them. We reject anything which speeds up change in "good" things, or directly causes change to our complete being. We consider these things to be "evil" or undesirable. That is what we pray to abolish. But there is no absolute "good" or "evil" in the world. We seek an unchanging life, spiritual immortality, etc. which is the same as seeking an end to change. This would mean an end to all individual things, all diversity, and a return to nothingness. Now is not the time for nothingness, it is the time for things to exist. That is why they do. In times of pain or loss, remember that change is a vital part of existence. Remember that we are all essentially the same thing, given individual lives through the process of change (birth, growth, loss, and death). Embrace change, for it is the creator of your "self" and the world as you know it. Appreciate your existence always.
USA - Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 12:44:07 (CST)
I am thankful for the many gifts I receive each day. I hope we all find the bright spot in the world that leads us to further enlightenment and peace...
just rob
Buffalo, NY USA - Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 10:51:16 (CST)
We all travel a path. We don't know where we are going or where we came from; it is irrelevant. The experience that we have is ours. Embrace the gift you have been given. Realize it is not truly yours to keep; give it away ~ this you must do. When I hurt someone, I also hurt myself as a result and I part company with the way. When I discover the truth in this, may I be humbled. Through experience and discovery may I see the truth and follow the way. May I begin healing the hurt for all. May I remember before speaking in anger, frustration or hurt, that I too am guilty. I am no better than the person next to me. In doing this and always putting it into practice I will shine the light. I forgive because I must be forgiven. May I recognize what is of benefit to all and apply it. Because I am able, may I cultivate Compassion. Because I am able, may I find wisdom in others expereince. If I do not practice Loving-Kindness, if I do not act according to my beliefs, I am of no benefit to anyone and "truth" is a hollow word. I have learned nothing. In realizing this I choose to walk the path, following the way that leads to peace and the end of suffering. I find rest in the Dharma. I go for refuge to the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. May I be of benefit to all sentient beings. So be it.
Shannon < >
New Bedford, MA USA - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 12:38:07 (CST)
I pray that Shirley Serbin learns the true value of right thinking and compassion.
L. D.
Deerfield, IL USA - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 01:54:27 (CST)
I pray that DaiseyC may find a little compassion, not to mention some self-esteem so that she no longer feels the need to be so spiteful toward others, and that Crusader Abraham be released from the sin of self-righteousness and judgementalism. You didn't understand the parable of Cho at all-how was Cho to be "saved" (by your definition) when he and his family had never even heard of your god...your comments are unfair, cruel, and ignorant. May you be healed of your afflictions, as may we all.
a traveler
USA - Friday, February 15, 2002 at 19:30:13 (CST)
I pray for truth...I take refuge in that there is such a thing and that all who seek will find.
ken < >
Columbia, SC USA - Friday, February 15, 2002 at 15:37:17 (CST)
Psalm 103
2 Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--
3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
6 The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
solo66 man
san jose, ca USA - Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 00:23:21 (CST)
Nelson Lopez < >
San Salvador, EL SALVADOR - Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 00:33:59 (CST)
hi grandpa how are things going on up there? things are fine down here every ones okay or at least they seem to be im doing a bit better since i got back from seeing that doctor after everything happened watch out well i gotta go i love you lots and miss you more than life itself love christine.
USA - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 22:12:37 (CST)
I wish that some day Haley Curtis will like me again
She is my dream girl
Chris Young < >
Golden Valley, MN USA - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 16:29:04 (CST)
Another year has gone by. By
the time I noticed, it was already
too late. As we move on towards
the next year, we leave behind memories;
some happy some sad, experiences
which shape us into who we are.
Tomorrow will always bring another
opportunity to better our selves.
However, for some of us, there may
not be another tomorrow. Make each day
worth while for you, and those
around you. Live each day to the fullest,
without regret. Rejoice in life, and in the role
you play in other's lives. Only then, come next day
or next year, will you embrace it
without looking back, wishing
you could have done something
differently to make yourself
feel complete.
Demitri < >
Buffalo Grove, IL USA - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 12:05:31 (CST)
I pray for the good to be stronger than the evil.
C. Loren
USA - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 08:33:34 (CST)
i pray that people respect this as a place for prayer and not for they're own ambisous antics
san fransisco, USA - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 17:35:53 (CST)
I would like u to pray for my boyfriend who is sick. Ask the Lord to strenghten him and make him okay.
Shanice < >
memphis, tn USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 23:57:54 (CST)
i have come here to pray for my dad and i do not no where the wheel of life and recarnation has taken him i just pray that his second life is a good one and i pray for your dead loved ones that the wheel of life has taken them somewhere good but i belive that when i metitate deeply i am with my dad and my late loved ones and you should belive to
joshua chalmers < >
xemxija, malta - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 15:54:10 (CST)
May you be at peace. May you be free from suffering. May I be at peace. May I be free from suffering. Breathing in, may I know that I am breathing in. Breathing out, may I know that I am breathing out. Breathing in, may I be in the present moment. Breathing out, I know this is a wonderful moment.
Lisa < >
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 07:59:22 (CST)
May the first breeze of spring sweep the earth of hatred,may the spring waters cool the burning desires, may the first rays of spring sun shine clear the path for the ones in darkness.Gong Xi Fa Chai! sampuna < >
Kota Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 07:52:03 (CST)
Pray that all these minds stop rising.
N USA - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 12:53:41 (CST)
A prayer for light and love for Uncle Bitney
D < >
Oceanside , Caa USA - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 12:06:16 (CST)
A prayer for light and love for Uncle Bitney
D < >
Oceanside , Caa USA - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 12:06:16 (CST)
May we all notice the wave as it breaks upon the shore, and not be sad. Let us notice the light peering out from the darkness as a star. Let us hold our heads up high, although saddled with a heavy load. Let us enjoy each breath as though it were to be our last. Let us realize that although we are at war with a treacherous enemy, that enemy although troubled, is still our brother. Let us look at a stone and see the past, let us admire a flower and embrace the present, and let us hold a child and witness the future.
Shane < >
Destin, FL USA - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 12:04:34 (CST)
make effort 2 make things happen ! our seemingly little human body can do lots of great things if only we put in the effort. Mother Theresa said 'we can do small things with a big heart', i'd like to add there... 'and great things if we work hard for it'!Don't just come in here and pray,believe that u can do lots of positive things with prayers help, of course.
sampuna < >
Kota Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 07:21:53 (CST)
PLease, pray for one of my very close friends. She keeps having sucidal thoughts and it scares me to the point where i can't sleep i'm so worried about her. Its gotten to the point where no matter how many tiomes i tell her i love her, or no matter how many times her boyfriend says he loves her she can't stop wanting to die. I recognize i can no longer help anymore than i am, i nust put it into the hands of God. Please pray for her, please, prair is my last alternative
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 21:59:15 (CST)
Pray that we all find what we are looking for.
USA - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 16:15:36 (CST)
God Bless and love my dad and hold him in the palm of your hand on his birthday, 2/8/02. He has been in heaven since December 2,1998 and I miss him like it was yesterday that he left me. Thank you with all my heart for loving me and taking care of me as my dad would. Please wish my dad a happy birthday and tell him I love him very much and think of him every day. I will bring him yellow flowers to the cemetary tomorrow as that's his favorite color. I'm trying to pick myself up and go on, but it's hard, I miss him so much, nothing is the same without him. Thank you for this opportunity to tell you thanks for taking such good care of me. You are my only family now and I'm so grateful to be so close to you. Lord, please always stay close to me, I need you so badly. Thanks, Deborah J.
Deborah J.D. < >
NJ USA - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 13:13:08 (CST)
May we be all turned inside out,
so that what we guard, we give freely.
May we fall towards the dharma
as that stone into the old well - plop!
USA - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 10:51:34 (CST)
we all fall down ... i need to find my way and reach some points that makes me fell happy, insted of felling alone and empty in my life .... LOVE PEACE EMPATHY TO YA ALL!!!
regis < >
cracow, poland - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 04:20:59 (CST)
Put your faith in only God and He will guide you through whatever it is you pursue.
Crusader Abraham
San Jose, Ca. USA - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 15:02:06 (CST)
please give me the strength to get through this. to not go broke. to know if i'm on the right path. if the people i'm working with are honest. i put my faith in the ten thousand things.
Moscow, russia - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 02:48:34 (CST)
Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal,
let him resolutely pursue a solitary course; there is no fellowship with the fool. Dhammapada 61
USA - Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 12:53:45 (CST)
Please continue to pray for there to be peace amoung all nations, and for innocent people to stop being slaughtered by power-hungry nations
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 20:15:53 (CST)
I pray that one day, all will see the light that guides us, and fill our hearts with love and compassion for the world.
Kimberly < >
Forest Park, Ga USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 18:45:30 (CST)
USA - Sunday, February 03, 2002 at 17:14:15 (CST)
As a teacher of religion(and a christian) I pray of the peoples of all faiths, that they will have tolerance for each other and realise that we all have our own paths which we follow. From time to time they will meet and we should strive to learn from each other in peace, not make little of others beliefs. I laso ask you to pray for me as I begin to teach my students about Buddhism, that I may do so wisely, without judgement and with compassion.
Peace with you all.
Gary < >
London, england - Sunday, February 03, 2002 at 15:53:23 (CST)
I pray to the Lord Buddha and all of the Buddhas of t he ten directions, that all of the Christians would learn to accept the concepts of Buddhism as universal and not as idol worship/works of the devil. I pray they may soon receive wisdom and enlightment.
Parker Word < >
St. Louis, MO USA - Sunday, February 03, 2002 at 14:39:54 (CST)
Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long
Daisey C.
Hampton, Va. USA - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 17:06:09 (CST)
I pray that well-intentioned souls such as the Crusader and the Janitor be blessed with the virtue of tolerance-long life and best of health to His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. Just so you know, Janitor, His Holiness applauds a devout Christian's genuine practice of Christianity as much as he does a devout Buddhist's genuine practice of Buddhism! He supports all faiths that help a human being cultivate a good and loving heart. My prayer is that you and the Crusader learn to be able to do the same. We are all more alike than we are different. Peace and blessings to all who come to this place...may we all awaken together-no matter what the question, love is the answer. Be it so.
USA - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 13:28:32 (CST)
Good lucks
bbteng < >
Singapore - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 00:44:10 (CST)
To whoever is listening, I would like to send a prayer out for Emily, who has been diagnosed with depression, and has an eating disorder. And still, she laughs at the people who tell her she is depressed. I know she is a great person, and she is worthy of someone to care for her. May she have the strength to fight her battle, may she find the inspiration to keep her going, and may she fly upon her successes and turn her problems into opportunities. Amen.
Winnipeg, Canada - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 23:37:23 (CST)
I pray that the Dalai Lama would leave his idolotress ways behind. That he would turn to his saving grace in Christ our Lord in heaven.
the Janitor
Seattle, Wa USA - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 19:01:13 (CST)
to all: health. love. peace. happiness.
st louis, mo USA - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 18:08:18 (CST)
USA - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 17:11:45 (CST)
I pray for peace and tolerance, and for the understanding and respect that we are each a part of one whole taking our own unique journeys toward collective peace and enlightenment. I pray for that those who judge and demean others' spiritual beliefs that they find solace and peace in tolerance. If one is comfortable with their own beliefs and they practice peace and tolerance, there is no good that can come from judging and demeaning others. Let us put an end to the suffering we impose on ourselves and other people. I pray for tolerance and peace.
Los Angeles, CA USA - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 10:29:33 (CST)
I send healing thoughts and peace to all who need them, especially keech the catt, crusader abraham and the Dalai Lama. Also especially to the lady whose sister had a mammogram.
Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu
Albuquerque, NM USA - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 09:17:32 (CST)
May Crusader Abraham join us and be bathed in the wonderful sea of spiritual bliss. Rivers of various faith join in the sea of liberation from greed,hatred and delusion.May all who are at the river banks be blessed too!Look beyond labels, beyond color, beyond sect, beyond age : be at the present and be truely alive!
http:/ sampuna < >
Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 06:02:20 (CST)
I pray that blessings may be sent to all those who have the courage to say and do what is right.
Winnipeg, Canada - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 00:37:09 (CST)
USA - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 00:06:04 (CST)
May we all practice love, not anger. Peace not war. Joy not hate.
I am.
USA - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 09:50:42 (CST)
May there be peace above us. May there be peace below us. May there be peace before us. May there be peace behind us. With it peaceful all around us, may we walk. May there be peace in our hearts. May there be peace in the world. Lord, help us to live in peace.
Jane Illinger < >
Hingham, MA United States - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 06:21:51 (CST)
Guard us against all evil, O Lord.
Accept us graciously, O King of Kings!
Release us from our sorrows, which bind us
As ropes bind a calf.
We cannot even open our eyes without the power
of Your love.
Guard us against the grief which haunts the life
Of the selfish.
Lead us from the unreal to the real.
Lead us from darkness to light.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Jane Illinger < >
Hingham, MA United States - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 05:57:29 (CST)
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matthew 5:43-45 KJV)
Crusader Abraham
San Jose, Ca USA - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 23:57:48 (CST)
Please continue to pray for His Holiness, The Dalai Lama to be nutured back to health so that many more people can continue to learn from his wise, wounderful, and holy words
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 19:04:59 (CST)
Please continue to pray for His Holiness, The Dalai Lama to be nutured back to health so that many more people can continue to learn from his wise, wounderful, and holy words
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 19:04:30 (CST)
gate gate paragate
bodhi svaha
sadhu < >
hotH2O, nm USA - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 18:39:46 (CST)
May the river of my life flow into the sea of love that is the Lord. May I overcome all the impediments in my course. May the thread of my song be not cut before my life has merged in the sea of love. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Skydancer < >
Hingham, MA USA - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 13:05:09 (CST)
Smile, hope, believe, think,
and above all other things, Love
Bridgete < >
Santa Clarita, CA USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 22:59:03 (CST)
1 John 5:
19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
20 We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true--even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
21 Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.
Crusader Abraham
San Jose, Ca USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 21:59:40 (CST)
I wish abu is abee
ABU < >
LA, California USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 16:02:38 (CST)
be at peace four every thing else is dust and air
shelley < >
nottingham, uk uk - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 13:41:27 (CST)
For George Phillips - for God to give him the stenght to continue and for God to give him victory on appeal!
ieva < >
Riga, Latvia - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 12:28:24 (CST)
For my cat, keech, she has to have a lumpectomy Thrusday morning and please pray it is only a cyst, in 85% of cases, it is cancer, I need her to be in the 15% of it being only a cyst, I don't know what i'll do without her. Please pray.
Carol < >
Tinley Par, IL USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 10:35:45 (CST)
God we pray that all the muslim converts may grough in theire faith
wahab < >
lucknow, up india - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 07:59:25 (CST)
I pray for balance in a world that goes so fast and is so full of suffering and pain. May we all follow the path of compassion and harmonious action! I also want to pray for the health of the dali lama. Thank you.
Mark < >
Toledo, oh USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 06:49:48 (CST)
"Sabba satta sukhi hontu punnani pakatthani me" ~ May all beings be ever well, happy & peaceful sharing my merits with me. May the landslide victims of the destroyed long house be blessed with speedy recovery.Aki, Ini, Apai,Indai petara, berkat kitai !
http:/ sampuna < >
Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 06:33:15 (CST)
"Those who sees the Dhamma sees me"~ Buddha. The Dhamma is still around, will be around and is beyond time. The LOrd is the embodiment of the Dhamma. Nothing that came from the Buddha's mouth is useless. Why have we failed to see it? Because we've not paid attention to what is here now. We prefer to dwell in the past and speculate the future.We do not like to be quiet and stay still to observe the truth which is in front of us.Look beyond labels of religion, sect , race, gender, social class etc. They're only worldly truth. Eternal truth is beyond that. May we all see it!
http:/ sampuna < >
Samarahan, Sarawak Malaysia - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 06:29:17 (CST)
I pray that my grandfather who died in september of leaukemia have a beautiful after life because he deserves it more then anyone. please keep your prayers with him because i loved him more than anything on this earth and he didn't die in a sad state of mind he died happy free and ready to die. I also pray that christians mulims and all other religions respect and love each other instead of fighting.
USA - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 16:52:24 (CST)
I pray that my grandfather who died in september of leaukemia have a beautiful after life because he deserves it more then anyone. please keep your prayers with him because i loved him more than anything on this earth and he didn't die in a sad state of mind he died happy free and ready to die. I also pray that christians mulims and all other religions respect and love each other instead of fighting.
USA - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 16:52:13 (CST)
I pray that everyone visiting this site realizes that it is a place for prayer and enlightenment and not for random "crusading". I pray that they learn to repect others beliefs and not try to sway them from their path, for true christianity teaches acceptance not intolerance. I hope that those trying to change others by quoting ill-translated scriptures do some serious studying and reasearch into what they are preaching before they try to impose those conceptions on others... let this be a place of peace, tolerance and prayer. May you find peace within yourself, and learn from others and them maybe, they will want to learn from you.
H < >
USA - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 10:28:17 (CST)
May the wicked become nice, may the nice become free, may the free free others.
Deborah Stevenson < lotusflowerand lotusflowerand >
Oceanside , Ca USA - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 09:50:40 (CST)
I pray for the soul of my father who passed away today. Although we were not in touch, he was surrounded by the love of his second wife and family. He suffered great physical pain and is at peace, in whatever he beleived his afterlife to be. I am saddened by his passing and open my heart to his spirit and forgave him and myself for whatever went between us. He did the best he could. I also pray for my oldest brother, that his heart open to the understanding that love is an action, that his hard heart is the sign of great pain, and I pray that he finds any way he can to open himself to the presence of real love and joy. I pray because I want to and because it is a respect I can show others, to have concern, to have love, not because I believe a magical being will rid me of my grief. I do not practice a religion yet I feel the joy of love and understanding in my heart and do what I can to share what I have and feel with those who cross my path. I have witnessed religion ruin families and cause war between countries. I see on this prayer net so many people arguing who is right about God. What happened on 9/11 was done by humans, not any God. We use the label of God for what we do not truly understand. The presence in a heart of goodness is unexplainable. We place blame. We continue to miss the point that we have free will and that what we do in our lives does not need the label of a specific religion to be sanctioned. If we discussed blame less, and truly felt love for each other and forgiveness and practiced what we all say "God" wants, then there would be no need for a prayer net. God, Christ, Buddha, all exist or not regardless of ones belief. So I pray out of respect and love for those who pass or are in need, or for my own gratitude for being blessed with love, friends, and wonderment about what an incredible life we can have if we just stop blaming and begin to love.
USA - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 01:28:15 (CST)
I pray for my recently deceased wife, that she will be very happy and prosperous in her next life.
Mason Shumate
USA - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 01:05:58 (CST)
Please pray for Tibet to be finally free to rule as an indepenadant country, free from China's grasp
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 08:00:28 (CST)
Please, may we all pray for His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, may he continue to remain a beacon of Love for our troubled world.........may all beings be free of suffering
USA - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 07:23:50 (CST)
Please, may all the Deities bless this World for there are small children crawling all over it.
Wu Ming
USA - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 21:12:47 (CST)
sampuna, i couldn't have said it better.
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 10:19:00 (CST)
hi Mr Crusader, remember the ignorance of your historical over zealous missionaries have shed lots of non believer's blood over the sacred messages of spirituality. it was not meant to be so, but ppl like u insist on putting ur faith on those who already have a practice of a true spiritual cultivator.what's wrong with Taoism, native religions, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism and non Christian religions? Many of these religions came earlier than yours, they claimed there are truths. Suddenly, u came to abolish the ancient wisdom with your new line of thought.Truths adored by different religions stresses on different part of spirituality and u need to see that.Many of what that was in the bible originates from the ancient eternal truth. Deny them and u're against Christ as he said "i do not come to abolish the Law..." Spirituality is wide like the oceans, let us immerse in refreshing waters from diverse coasts.May the truth prevail!
sampuna < >
Samarahan, Sarawak MAlaysia - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 08:41:43 (CST)
Please pray for my dad. He needs to be saved real quick like, before he hurts anyone else or gets run over by a bus.
USA - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 08:25:08 (CST)
I pray that followers of Jesus Christ will realize their ignorance and no longer be decieved. Jesus was not humble at all, any one who insists you worship him or serve eternal damnation with the devil is certainly not ritous. Jesus was the devil. Breathe and be happy that you are a conscuis being, do not put all of your faith into some pretensous afterlife in eternal paradise, put your faith in yourself and love. Your worth more then Jesus allows you to be
Mark < >
Chicopee, Ma USA - Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 18:33:44 (CST)
Il Tao non ha bisagno di preghiere e di parole;basta a se stesso.HA!HA!HA!HA!
Giuseppe < >
Brescia, italy Italy - Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 18:17:50 (CST)
John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, ""I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
7 "" If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.''
Crusader Abraham
San Jose, Ca USA - Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 22:31:23 (CST)
i pray to the lord to help me in my book report on thursday or friday, in my final exam in science! i hope to et a high grade! i also pray to pass or maybe get an a or b in esl! thank you lord for all! this i ask through christ our lord, amen.
bear < >
richmond city, bc canada - Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 20:14:58 (CST)
Blessings to all who come to this place to share their faiths-followers of Buddha, the Tao, Jesus, and those of us who are faithful daughters and sons of their Goddess...Blessings even to those who rather than share, would impose their beliefs on others, and also those who come to mock. May all our hearts and minds be opened, may we live and learn together in matter what the question, love is the answer. So mote it be!
- Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 18:57:07 (CST)
I pray that I find happiness in my life free of troubles and am able to get a stable job.
USA - Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 09:03:26 (CST)
i pray that my uncle rests in peace
Adam < >
chicago, il USA - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 21:51:57 (CST)
I pray that my dad remains strong and determand through his fight with hodgkins lymphoma. I pray he wins this battle, and lives to continue sharing his warmth and happiness with everyone who knows him
tonya clark < >
vail, co USA - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 21:17:33 (CST)
I pry that my dad remains strong and determand through his fight with hodgkins lymphoma. I pry he wins this battle, and lives to continue sharing his warmth and happiness with everyone who knows him
tonya clark < >
vail, co USA - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 21:16:50 (CST)
I am at a point in my life were i have two roads i can take. I'm not dure which is my true destiny. i pray that i will choose the right path. Please pray that i will make the right decision
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 19:59:29 (CST)
1 Peter 1:
17 Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work
impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent
18 For you know that it was not with perishable things such
as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way
of life handed down to you from your forefathers,
19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without
blemish or defect.
20 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was
revealed in these last times for your sake.
21 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the
dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in
22 Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your
brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.
Crusader Abraham
San Jose, Ca USA - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 17:22:15 (CST)
"Let me a pure white lotus be
Unfolding in Samsara's stream,
Let all the gloom of misery
Be gathered in my lotus dream;
Let each dew drop that studded lie
On each white radiant fold,
Reflect the mercy of the law
That turns death's bliss to gold."
I pray to attain peace for myself and everyone else.
Thank you Lord Buddha for all your blessings.
A Di -Da Phat. Tinh Tam < >
USA - Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 23:02:49 (CST)
"Let me a pure white lotus be
Unfolding in Samsara's stream,
Let all the gloom of misery
Be gathered in my lotus dream;
Let each dew drop that studded lie
On each white radiant fold,
Reflect the mercy of the law
That turns death's bliss to gold."
I pray to attain peace for myself and everyone else.
Thank you Lord Buddha for all your blessings.
A Di -Da Phat. Tinh Tam < >
USA - Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 23:02:11 (CST)
May everyone be free from suffering
May everyone be happy
May no one ever be seperated from their happiness
May everyone remain in a state of equanimity free from hatred and attachment
Stephen < >
england - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 12:30:56 (CST)
Thank you for your help, Jade Empereor: I won't forget your help!
Mister Joey
- Friday, January 18, 2002 at 12:20:26 (CST)
To You,
I was simply looking for a daily meditation on the internet. I found it here and I also found this wonderful, spiritual community. I am thankful.
Karen Teeters < >
Medford, NJ USA - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 09:34:17 (CST)
We are One. We are here to Co-Create. I am a CoCreator. Love and Peace in the minds of all in this moment and this moment and this moment. Forever and ever,amen.
(Inspired by the Conversations with God series by Neale Donald Walsch)
Karen Teeters
Karen Teeters < >
USA - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 09:22:28 (CST)
ar wel i am the fat buddha an i wil grant u three wishes lol bye bye
fat buddha
USA - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 04:58:43 (CST)
we pray for everyone who lost families in new york in the trade centres on september 11th!
USA - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 04:56:59 (CST)
USA - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 04:56:05 (CST)
I ask that all my Christian brothers and sisters pray for me and my girlfriend. for she is a jehova's witness and i pray that i can show her the light of God...if nothing else to show her why i believe what i do and why i personally cannot accept the watchtower ideology. i beg the prayers and spiritual ogmentation of any christian willing to give it to me. if anyone has information that might help me, email me. i pray that christ blesses all your lives, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, amen.
Jerry White < >
Orcutt, Ca USA - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 23:56:13 (CST)
I pray that God will continue to bless all those that suffer and lost love ones in the September 11th tragedy...
I also pray the prayer of Jabez for myself...May God Bless all those who are in connection with this prayer.
a child of christ
philadelphia, pa USA - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 19:23:28 (CST)
May all the suffering sencient beings find the path to Releif, Liberation and Enlightenment.
Dyvia Jiotti
- Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 12:58:58 (CST)
May all who are enduring persecution because of their beliefs be free from suffering. May all those who are causing suffering see that if they wish happiness for themselves and loved ones should not cause harm to any living thing.
When one sees things as they are, one is repentant.
Charles Kass
USA - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 12:25:16 (CST)
I am one of the reservists that has been recalled back to active duty because 9/11. Help me get back to my family. I am asking the American people to pay attention to what is going on and not to forget about the soldiers that just want to get back home.
garydino < >
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 02:55:29 (CST)
Father in Heaven. Holy is your name. I lift you up in the highest. Please, God, forgive me of all my
sins today. Even forgive me of those I am unaware as sins. Put your forgiveness of sins into my
heart also, Father. That I would forgive those who sin against me. Oh, Glorious is your name.
Hallielujah! Hallielujah! Hallielujah! Your name is so precious. Father, I ask you to forgive those
who have brought the human of false gods and religions to this Christian prayer site. We know that
Bhuddism, Taoism and any other religion is false and only leads to DEATH. Forgive them. Open
their hearts today God. Or bring their lives to total waste. Let them not cont- inue to intice
Christians to the falsehood of idol worship. Bring them and their evil influence to ruin, Father, that
they would know and understand that their ways are of used sanitary napkins. Show them the
beauty of You and the salvation that awaits them, God in Heaven. Thank you Father, Christ and
Holy Spirit. I praise Your Holy name. Holy, Holy, Holy. Only You are worthy Amen Amen and
Crusader Abraham
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 20:07:11 (CST)
Father in Heaven. Holy is your name. I lift you up in the highest.
Please, God, forgive me of all my sins today. Even forgive
me of those I am unaware as sins. Put your forgiveness of
sins into my heart also, Father. That I would forgive those
who sin against me. Oh, Glorious is your name. Hallielujah!
Hallielujah! Hallielujah! Your name is so precious.
Father, I ask you to forgive those who have brought the human
of false gods and religions to this Christian prayer site.
We know that Bhuddism, Taoism and any other religion is false
and only leads to DEATH. Forgive them. Open their hearts today
God. Or bring their lives to total waste. Let them not cont-
inue to intice Christians to the falsehood of idol worship.
Bring them and their evil influence to ruin, Father, that they
would know and understand that their ways are of used sanitary
Show them the beauty of You and the salvation that awaits them,
God in Heaven.
Thank you Father, Christ and Holy Spirit.
I praise Your Holy name. Holy, Holy, Holy. Only You are worthy
Amen Amen and Amen
Crusader Abraham
San Jose, ca USA - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 04:45:50 (CST)
ann cheah < >
Boon Lay, singapore - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 01:40:24 (CST)
I hope to bring a smile to the world, a person at a time.
All people are welcome to join my virtual Church of Smiles at and if you agree with what i have to say, to join by emailing me or if you are shy, smiling and moving on... Stephen Kawamoto < >
Surrey, bc Canada - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 20:47:56 (CST)
I hope to bring a smile to the world, a person at a time.
All people are welcome to join my virtual Church of Smiles at and if you agree with what i have to say, to join by emailing me or if you are shy, smiling and moving on... Stephen Kawamoto < >
Surrey, bc Canada - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 20:47:47 (CST)
I pray for an end to all suffering in the world today, and for anyone willing to contact me and help me learn more about Buddhism, I am an eager pupil waiting for enlightenment.
Please feel free to email me and share with me Buddhas teachings.
With all my love
Darren < >
Wales.(uk) - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 12:40:59 (CST)
I just want you to know Adam, that I pray for you!i pray so that you will find a happier life, and that youwill not cut of your penis. you will need it later!If you just take a deep breath and relax, Buddha will come and show you the way to a better life just like he did for me...I'm thinking of you Adam...
Siri < >
Eidsvoll, Norway - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 11:25:30 (CST)
I also pray that i will be able to find ultimate peace and enlightenment through my trials, tribulations, and study
-Peace, untity, and respect
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 20:50:04 (CST)
I have many friends who are contemplating suicide and i can only do so much to try and help them. Pray for them to find the peace of the Tao inside them, and to be at peace with themselves
Jeb Boone < >
USA - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 20:43:37 (CST)
May all come to humbly except Jesus Christ as Saviour,
as Lord.
If this is your will LordGod, let it be.
ja'son < >
USA - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 13:07:17 (CST)
Iban prayer for good harvest ""Huu Ha!
Huu Ha!
Huu Ha!
Dini di Petara Aki, Petara ini, Petara Aya, Petara Ibu
Kita ngabang, kita mansang
Kita makai, kita mai kitu
Kita kitu mai ubat, mai jempulai pengambai
Semua kita Senggalang Burung pinang ipung
Kita semunggah Raja Tanah
Kita enggau aku ngelaboh padi pun, padi tangkai
Enggau aku ngelaboh padi tepat, padi lensat
Ngambi aku bumai tu celap, lindap
Gaya guru gerai nyamai." May there be good harvest! sampuna < >
kota samarahan, sarawak malaysia - Friday, January 11, 2002 at 21:45:19 (CST)
I pray that I might find more understanding of the Tao, that the tao will give me wisdom through my trials, that I may find a way out of my fiancial troubles, that my family is protected from harm, and that I may confidently find myself following the Tao through the rest of my life.
LOS ANGELES, CA USA - Friday, January 11, 2002 at 01:54:40 (CST)
May you be well, happy, peaceful and free from trouble and suffering... may all beings share kindness and live a harmless life. U R your own best blessing.
slh < >
USA - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 18:34:44 (CST)
I pray that I will stop being such a gigantic dorkus, and one day i'll be able to defeat my idol brett at video games. I am such a lowly person, i don't know how i dare call myself a man, perhaps i will cut off my penis and cast it away to become a eunuch so that i am as i appear, an enourmous sissy...
Adam Brownfield
vernon, canada - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 15:59:15 (CST)
Dear Buddha!I thank you for showing me this page.
I thank you for giving me a strength, so I can carry on in this maniac world, this crazy world we're living in.
I thank you for being my best friend through everything, and I hope you will show me the true way to real happiness.
I thank you for giving me friends and family who loves me!
Thank you for being a guide to so many people!
Buddha jeg er s ekstremt glad for ha funnet deg!
Jeg tar vare p deg i dypet av mitt hjerte!
Jeg hper du vil vise meg veien!Jeg hper du vil lre meg om de fire sannhetene!
Jeg begynner f et fint liv n og det er takket vre deg!
Hper dualltid vil vre en flgesvenn i mitt liv!!
Um mami padme hum!
Siri < >
Eidsvoll, Norway - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 14:32:16 (CST)
Thank u man for givin me a chick
fkldsj Bob < kfjefhjk kfjefhjk >
jklhklj, hjkl klhjhUSA - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 08:03:31 (CST)
Let every one and every body and every thing, living or otherwise (as we understand life) be happy, healthy, content and loving.
rajeev krishan < >
- Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 05:44:43 (CST)
Thank you, Quan Yin. Thank you, wise ones. For the dog's health, and for Bruce's safety.Please help the Christians and the oppressors come to their senses. I am already forever in your debt. wei wu wei
small one
New Tazewell, TN USA - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 14:19:05 (CST)
I pray to God that he will protect his children from temptation and sin. I pray for Gods forgiveness for our sins and for Gods loving guidance in our lives. I thank God for being here for us and helping us everyday, even if we dont know He is there. I pray to God for his strength and compassion to flow over the families of those killed or injured in the September eleventh happenings, and that He will protect the innocent and see that justice is done. I pray that He will give His counsul to those who wish to repay hate with hate, and show them that He will deal with sinners, for He is all-knowing, and can see through all lies and coincidences to know th etruth and justly punish the sinners and reward those who follow his word and believe in His name. I thank God for His many blessings, and I praise Him and love Him and I live for Him alone. Amen.
Sarah Cummings < >
Gijn, Spain - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 10:13:05 (CST)
Once again I pray for us all. For more pureness and holiness. For more empathy and compassion. Bodhisattva is everyone of us. PEACE, LOVE, EMPATHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
llama Simon < >
Warsaw, Poland - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 09:39:32 (CST)
I pray for a better days for us all. To ours hearts clean,pure full of posivite emotions, empathy and compassion. Buddha's holliness is in our hands.
llama Simon < >
Warsaw, Poland - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 09:24:51 (CST)
I pray for perfect health, for economic security, and for a suitable wife.
Rick Davis < >
Chicago, IL USA - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 00:50:43 (CST)
As the obscure multiplys and darkness keeps falling on our age, may the Essencs of all Creation, the Essence of our Being, provide secure shelter for our minds and help to safe the pure light of absoluteness, Buddha-nature, and bring it to growth and proliferation for the benefit of all sentient beeings. May we all find our answers in compassion and the realization of voidness. May we therby find God, behind religions and sectarian attitudes, as the light of bliss in everyone of us. May we use this candle of realization as the means to enlighten this world. Happy New Year 2002 to all!
andi < >
Germany - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 15:40:26 (CST)
Dearest Buddah!Hear my pray!I pray that all living creatures in this world will live happily ever after!I pray that peace will capture the world!I pray that kids would no longer be kept in prison, sold as sex-slaves or used in war.I pray that my bestfriend would forgive me for being jealous. I pray that my parents would have patient in me. I pray that life would mean something to something or someone. I pray that I would live a happy life. I pray that the world would be saved from all pollution! I pray that all the animals in the world would be released from captivity!
I pray, that Buddah would here me!
Om mami padme hum!
Siri < >
Eidsvoll, Norway - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 14:19:08 (CST)
Balance in all Nations
through understanding and enlightenment - Bill Fikes < >
Wasilla, AK USA - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 12:51:11 (CST)
I pray that Buddah will show me the way to happiness
Siri < >
Eidsvoll, Norway - Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 14:55:15 (CST)
Om Ah Hung Vasra Guru Padma Siddhi Hung!
May All Living Beings Be HappY!
Tristan Trefoil
USA - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 23:31:34 (CST)
I pray for enlightenment
Show me the way
Love and peace to all
Prem < >
Malaysia - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 21:56:56 (CST)
please dear God help my son to have a direction in what he loves to do in a job please help him find the right job for him and the right woman that truly loves him and may we all have prosparity may the blessing be for all concerend thank you
lorraine armstrong < >
L>H>C, AZ USA - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 20:50:46 (CST)
i pray that my wifes heart is cleansed of her pain and anger and lets me back in her life and gives our marriage another chance, i also pray for the victims of 9-11 that there familys find peace and and the pain they are feeling goes away-.
danny < >
perth amboy, nj USA - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 10:08:15 (CST)
we condition our destiny by our actions, do good and be good, avoid evil by all means. all phenomenon are neutral in quality, it's just how we see it.blame no one,nor praise no one, it's our own doing sampuna < >
Malaysia - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 19:52:32 (CST)
I pray for Rooh- to find solace and peace of mind. Please look to God for your strength and help, and I pray you find it.
st. louis, mo USA - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 07:51:48 (CST)
Please join me in praying for the realization that answering violence with violence can never result in good or provide contentment and closure. In addition please pray for those who must now suffer unjustly because that realization has not yet been attained.
Matt Grover < >
Ithaca, NY USA - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 23:14:36 (CST)