Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Secrets and Easter Eggs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Metal Gear Solid V: the Phantom Pain is broken up into a Prologue and 3 Chapters. Prologue: Awakening is the very beginning of the game where you wake up in the DSBA Hospital. This military hospital (long name: Dhekelia SBA Memorial Hospital), is located in Cyprus. The first person you see is brunette nurse Aglaia Xenakis, RN (ID 19-4265-7002), while your direct nurse is named Alexandra Pikrammenos, RN. The doctor who takes care of you is named Evangelos Constantinou M.D. (Reconstructive Surgery with an ID card 14-2355-2439 Issued on March 12, 1979). Your name is designated as Ahab by the doctor, while Ismael is the nickname of the real Big Boss. The game is broken up into a prologue and 3 chapters: Prologue: Awakening Chapter 1: Revenge Chapter 2: Race Chapter 3: Peace Note that Chapter 3 was not completed in time, and was cut from the game. It contained Mission 51, which was an unfinished mission described in a video commentary included in the collector's edition of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. See secret ending in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Venom Snake turns into Naked Snake in the mirror as the game reveals you were the Medic who was implanted with the memory of Big Boss. In addition, the cutscene shows yourself taking the cassette tape (Side A is music "From the Man Who Sold the World") and flipping it over to reveal Side B ("OPERATION INTRUDE N313"). This operation name is from the game Metal Gear (メタルギア Metaru Gia) also by Kojima in 1987. Venom Snake removes the cassette tape from Sony Walkman WM-R55 (model released in 7/1/1985 came with MDR-E24 earphones), flips it over to insert it into a Sony SDC-500 Bitcorder to run the data code in the Sony HB-F1 MSX2 computer. Note that this Side B of the tape contains data (a loader for the NEC PC-6001 version of The Portopia Serial Murders Case game made by By Yuji Horii). Portopia influenced Kojima to get into gaming. The blooper is that NEC PC-6001 computer code is not compatible with Sony MSX2 computer. This cassette tape in this Phantom Pain cutscene is VOL1 of Portopia, while Ground Zeroes cassette tape has VOL2. In Ground Zeroes, the tape is named "Classified Intel Data", and it has the track title "Data Cassette (Do not use in music players)." when played. You can get the tape from the mission "Classified Intel Acquisition" of Ground Zeroes. However, all the data on the tapes are probably corrupted or purposely shuffled to make it not able to actually run on a real computer. Once people found out about the blooper, in a mid-November 2015 update of MGS5:Phantom Pain, the cassette audio in the cutscene was changed to actually contain ROM data from the very beginning of the Japanese version of Metal Gear MSX. Now, "Operation Intrude N313" is correctly from Metal Gear MSX (not Portopia), and the Sony HB-F1 MSX2 is now really running a MSX game (instead of a NEC PC-6001 game). ROM data (Z80 opcodes), however, are not normally loaded via cassette tape, so it is still a bit weird. In-between this Phantom Pain cutscene, you can see a historical listing of the events that happened before and after MGS 5 (which happened in 1984). Tips and Tricks: Cardboard Box and Water PistolSee the Top 12 Cardboard Box tricks you can do in the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (below left). See Top 5 Water Pistol tricks (below right): Normally, you would think you can only hide inside a Cardboard Box, but there are a lot of secrets revealed if you use the Cardboard Box correctly. You can also upgrade your Cardboard Box to Water-resistant and Smoke models, which allows you to use special features. The following are all the different Cardboard Box types you can get:
As for Water Pistol, you can do a lot of useful things with it, like killing Man on Fire and disabling communications equipment and power supply. FultonYou start off on Grade 1 being able to Fulton 12 enemies or animals without resupply. Upgrade to Grade 2 to Fulton 24 per resupply. You can unlock 36 Fultons once you have done it 500 times to get KEY ITEM "Master Certificate (Fulton)" and develop Fulton to Grade 3. After that, you can buy the 48 Fultons at Grade 4 upgrade by meeting the requirments. To Fulton gun emplacements and mortars, you need to develop [+ CARGO 1] upgrade. To Fulton vehicles, Anti-Air emplacements and large containers [+ CARGO 2], you need to extract the Transportation Specialist (Mission 10) to unlock and develop it. To Fulton children [+ CHILDREN], you must get "Counch Shell" KEY ITEM from Side Op 113 to unlock it. To Fulton with Wormhole [+ WORMHOLE] instead of balloons, complete Side Op 50 to unlock this ability. To unlock Fulton for D-Walker (F-Ballista upgrade), you must Fulton 1000 times to get "Grand Master Certificate (Fulton)". To get D-Dog to Fulton, you must get the KEY ITEM "First Aid Manual" in Mission 18 to unlock Tactical Fulton (D-Dog). Fulton Rocket Launcher (FB MR R-L FLTN) is available if you trade for it from FOB Events (can't Fulton vehicles though).Below left are 15 of some basic uncommon moves that you will eventually learn to help you in MGS5. As you get better, you can learn 25 Pro moves shown below right:
For example, you can use a Sniper Rifle to take down helicopters by aiming at the pilot. He is the person sitting in the back seat. Another example is that you can use Cardboard Box (any) to shield yourself from the effects of Stun Grenades. As you get better, you can learn how to do the hardest move: Weapon Steal and holding up heavy armor guards. You can also use C4 to do some crazy moves and tricks.
Once you have mastered MGSV: Phantom Pain, you can start exploring the surprising and wild moments in the game. Here are a collection of 15 weird and awesome cutscenes or moves in the game. Also, you may encounter bad gameplay elements. For example, you can see Quiet dance while in battle, D-Horse in Apocalyptic uniform, death of Quiet and Miller, etc. You are able to remove trees in MGS 5 using this neat trick with the fixed guns. Also, if you become pro, you can try out these Godly moves. Mother BaseThe Mother Base is where your main base is located in the Indiana Ocean (Seychelles Waters) on multiple platforms that look like modern oil rigs. In real life on the map, it should be located southwest of the country of India and east of the continent of Africa. Each platform can be of one of nine (9) types. The main seven (7) platform types are:
The other two (2) platform types are unique: Quarantine Platform and Animal Conservation Platform. Each Platform normally consists of 1 to 4 Decks, and they are labelled "1st Deck", "2nd Deck", "3rd Deck", and "4th Deck". It is important to note that a Deck does not denote height (floors), but refers to which island of a particular Platform it is on (1 to 4). Quarantine Platform is special in that it consists of only one Deck. For each base (like your starting Mother Base), you can have a maximum of 7 non-unique Platforms (chosen from above, with no duplicates), which each having a maximum of 4 Decks. Therefore, your Mother Base can have (not counting the two unique platforms) a maximum of 7 Platforms, which consists of 28 Decks (7x4 Decks). If you connect online, you are allowed to have four extra bases (called FOB, or Forward Operating Base). Each FOB has limitations like your original Mother Base, and looks similar as well. The only difference is that you can't have the extra Quarantine Platform, nor extra Animal Conservation Platform for your FOB. You get one free FOB, and each extra FOB requires MB Coins that you can earn or purchase with real money. If you have maxed out everything, you can have 7 (Mother Base) + 28 (4xFOB) + 2 Unique Platforms = 37 Platforms total. If you count Decks, you will end up with 28 (Mother Base) + 28x4 (4xFOB) = 140 total Decks (Not counting Decks from the two unique platforms). For reference, if something is mentioned to be on a particular Platform, then it is normally on the 1st Deck of that Platform. With just Mother Base alone, you can get 1400 soldiers inside (including being queued awaiting conversion). Any more than 1400, soldiers will get pushed out automatically. If converted, you can get maximum 700*5=3500 Soldiers. Top 6 Hidden Characters on Mother Base. Ocelot and Quiet are two of the most common characters you may see on Mother Base, but there are 4 more characters that are revealed later in the game that you bring to Mother Base. Two of them, Huey and Paz, have their own rooms in the main R&D Platform and Medical Platform, respectively, while Code Talker and Eli both appear during good weather on the main Command Platform. You can see all 6 of these characters in the following video: Skilled Staff
Instead of playing as Venom Snake, you can play as a Diamond Dog Staff member with their unique Skills on missions and side-ops. For example, if you play as a Staff member with Botanist skill, for each medical plant you harvest, you gain more than if harvested by Venom Snake (for Wormwood it is 25 vs 20). These bonus stat effects can be layered with other skills offered by wearing different uniforms that offer other boosts. For example, the Cyborg Ninja increases sprinting speed (20%) when you wear it. The Staff you can choose in the Sortie Prep is taken from the Combat Unit in your iDroid Staff Management. In order to get high ranked staff, you may need to do Dispatch Missions or participate in FOB Missions to extract Staff from enemies or winning them from FOB Events.
Locked StaffSome staff in your Mother Base (Staff Management) are locked. You can see these people in your Staff Management when you go into your iDroid 3.02. These people are not able to be dismissed. Six of the regular staff members are Ocelot, Miller, Huey, Code Talker, Quiet, Hideo Ziang Tan and Silent Basilisk are two easter egg locked characters in the Mother Base Staff Management that you cannot dismiss in the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. They also hang around in Waiting Room forever. Tan "Jackie" Ziang was the demo guy from the early MGS5 trailers. He is the prisoner in Side Op 61: Unlucky Dog 01. As for Silent Basilisk, he is the mute mujahideen from Mission 6: Where Do The Bees Sleep? One unique aspect of Silent Basilisk is that although he is a Diplomat, he speaks no languages! There is a trick to removing both of these locked characters. You need to find a hard Dispatch Missions and manually send these two characters into these missions to fail. Repeat until they are gone (don't show up in your Waiting List). Paz in Medical PlatformOn the Medical Platform of Mother Base, Venom Snake will see a hallucination of Paz in bed inside a hallucination of a medical room. The whole place is in the mind Venom Snake, but he doesn't know it until he gets all the Memento Photos collected from Wandering Mother Base soldiers. The photos will trigger memories of Paz, letting her reveal her past life activities. However, once you have collected all 11 photos (the last one being Morpho Butterfly), Paz takes out a bomb from her stomach and it explodes. Afterwards, Venom Snake realizes that the whole thing was not real, but was his imagination and remorse for not saving Paz in the helicopter. An interesting reason that the last photo is a Morpho Butterfly is that Morpho was the codename used by the helicopter pilot in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. That helicopter crashed near the end of Ground Zeroes.
The last photo (Morpho Butterfly) is near the medical room exit (shown in video above). Huey Emmerich in R&D PlatformYou can find Huey in the lower levels of the R&D Platform. He builds a Battle Gear (tank) for you during his time in the research lab. Quarantine PlatformMan on FireHere is how you kill Man on Fire easily:The unique Quarantine Platform serves as a storyline place for the quarantine of personnel infected by the Vocal Cord Virus. In the center of the platform is a green tent (supposedly to house infected staff), and 3 cages. The main cage holds extracted Man on Fire (Volgin), which you can get from completing Mission 144: Secure the Remains of the Man on Fire. Note that a cutscene appears when you do the final extraction of Man on Fire. He is revealed to be Volgin from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Subsistence). Volgin's horse also appears for a short cameo. The second cage holds two female Skull Soldier [Camouflage]. The third cage holds two male Skull Soldier [Mist] and two Skull Soldier [Armor]. Because both Mist and Armor Skull Soldiers are in the same cage, you can differentiate them based on height and their mask. Mist Skull Soldiers are shorter, and their eyes are not covered. Note that you must have completed Mission 29, in order to be able to extract Skull Soldiers. The following are Missions where you can located a particular Skull Soldier to extract. Extracting Skull Soldiers also allows you to make cartridges for use in the Parasite Suit. Skull Soldier [Mist]: Mission 1 and 6 Skull Soldier [Camouflage]: Mission 28 and 48 Skull Soldier [Armor]: Mission 16, 29, 37 and 42 Extracting the three different type of Skull Soldiers allows you to obtain 3 types of Parasite Cartridges. These cartridges allows you to use 3 unique abilities when wearing the Parasite Suit. They are: Parasite (Camouflage), Parasite (Mist), and Parasite (Armor): OcelotThere are multiple times where you can encounter Ocelot. Two of the times on Mother Base are Mission 2: [Flashback] Diamond Dogs, and Side Op 111: Visit Quiet. Mission 2 is located on the main Command Platform on Mother Base, while Side Op 111 is located on the main Medical Platform on Mother base. You can use this opportunity to tranquilize Ocelot, which will trigger different phrases uttered from him: 1. First phrase is: "That won't work on me, I've had drug resistance training." 2. The second phrase is: "La-li-lu-le-lo" a codeword for the Patriots first mentioned in Metal Gear Solid 3. 3. The third phrase is a series of Japanese train station stops located along the Nose Electric Railway Myouken Line in the Kansai region of Japan. They are Kawanishinoseguchi, Kinunobebashi, Takiyama, and Uguisu no mori. In Japanese Kanji (and Hiragana): 川西能勢口 (かわにしのせぐち), 絹延橋 (きぬのべばし), 滝山 (たきやま), 鶯の森 (うぐいすのもり). 4. The last phrase is "2+2=5" repeated a few times. Here is a video showing all the phrases of Ocelot: If you do not play for a while, and come back to playing the game again, Ocelot can be seen on top of the Motherbase looking like he is overlooking and managing it without Venom Snake. Video below shows Ocelot on top of Motherbase: You can use Ocelot's Tornade-6 Gun in the game. This gun has bullets that can ricochet off the floor and buildings, and will find an enemy target to hit: During FOB Events, you can play as Ocelot: All Languages Spoken by StaffHere is a complete listing of all 32 possible languages spoken by Staff or Prisoners on Mother Base.
Nuclear Weapon (Nuke)You are able to build a Nuclear Weapon from your Resources menu option of iDroid. Under "Nuclear Weapon" option, developing a Nuke costs 750,000 GMP, 75,000 Fuel, and 50,000 Minor Metal. When you build a nuke, it will actually be stored on your FOB (Forward Operating Base), not your main Mother Base. The exact location is Command Platform: 1st Deck. In a similar sense, you can raid opponent's FOB to steal (Fulton) their Nuke. Each time you build a Nuke, you lose 50K Heroism, and you gain Demon Points (Demon Value). If you get enough Demon Points, you become Demon Snake, making your whole figure bloodstained, and your horn extremely long. Also, you are unable to wash off your bloodstain in the shower. Demon Points and Demon SnakeSnake can become a demon, which will make him covered in blood and have a long horn. Normally, you can take a shower and remove the blood from your clothing and face, but if you are Demon Snake, the blood stays and cannot wash off. Demon Snake points are separate from Heroism Points. You gain Demon Points for doing certain things in the game:
Removing Demon SnakeThere are many ways to remove Demon Snake (always covered in blood and with a long horn). The guaranteed way is to use the dispatch mission online (and wait a few days). Others require looking at the above activities and repeatedly do those that remove Demon Points. Once you have gotten back to value 0, you are no longer Demon Snake. QuietVisiting Quiet on Mother BaseThe first time you visit Quiet in her holding cell (part of Side Op 111), Ocelot is there providing a commentary on her "condition" (photosynthesis, etc). This occurs on the main Medical Platform of Mother Base, and her holding cell is below ground level. The animation of Quiet will repeat if you come back to her cell, but Ocelot will no longer be there to talk about her. You can see the Full Ocelot speech and Quiet's location, and full animation soaking up the sun here: Personal Shower with Quiet Normally, if you stay outside of Mother Base for a long time, Ocelot will throw a bucket of water over your head when you return (because you need a shower). See below left for this easter egg. However, if you have 100% bond with Quiet, you can trigger a personal shower with Quiet in her holding cell on Medical Platform of Mother Base by doing the following: Have 100% bond with Quiet as Buddy Take her out on a mission or side op Stay outside on the maps for many in-game days Make sure there are a lot of flies buzzing around your head Head back to Mother Base with Quiet in Helicopter If you have done the above, then when you return you will be greeted with a personal shower cutscene as shown in below right video:
If you increase your bonding with Quiet, you can unlock different weapons and uniforms. For example, one of the more unique uniform is the Naked (Gold Q), which is a golden version of Quiet. Here are all of Quiet's Uniforms and Weapons:
If you have 80% Bond with Quiet, you can go into the helicopter and stay near Mother Base until it rains. Then land, and you can trigger a cutscene of Quiet dancing in the rain: If you increase your bonding with Quiet, you can unlock new animations in the ACC (Aerial Command Center) Helicopter. One constantly asked feature after the initial release of the game was the ability to get Quiet back if you lost her in Mission 45: A Quiet Exit. Due to popular demand, a patch was made on mid-November, 2015, providing an ability for a reunion with Quiet if you defeat her a number of times on Mission 11: Cloaked in Silence. The following video shows how to get Quiet back on Medical Platform holding cell, so you can deploy her on missions and side ops again. The key message that indicates you have succeeded is: "Unit Function Resumed [R&D: Quiet]".
Playing as Quiet is possible if you infiltrate FOBs in FOB Events or other player's FOB online. She has special skills like fast jumping up and down ladders, camouflage ability when not moving, and a fast long jump. Just like Ocelot, Quiet became a playable character after updating. Video below shows all the special moves and animations of Quiet in an FOB Event. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesIf you have the game Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, and have completed a majority of the missions, you can elect to upload your MGSV: GZ SAVE DATA to PSN from within the game. Later, you can download that save data when you are in MGSV: Phantom Pain. Once you do that, you can unlock three (3) special secret items: [SOLID SNAKE] Uniform, [SV-SNEAKING SUIT] Uniform, and [BIONIC ARM (GLD)] prosthesis. Video shows the transfer of MGSV: GZ SAVE DATA from one game to the other, developing them, and then field testing them. Uploading DaveData to PSN will not delete it from MGSV:Ground Zeroes.
D-DogHere is how to get DD (short for D-Dog or Diamond Dog) by following this video guide: D-Dog will grow attached to you, and will miss you (lonely) if you do not play MGS5: Phantom Pain for a long period of time. If you want to trigger an easter egg of D-Dog happily jumping on you, set your Date about 5 months into the future, and come back into the game. You should do it while the internet is not connected before you set the date. The below video shows the easter egg and instructions on how to make it happen. This video is compared to (lower right) what happens if you don't have D-Dog and have gone missing from Mother Base for a long time: a different easter egg triggers, this time showing Ocelot and the staff training without you. Ocelot ignores you.
D-WalkerD-Walker is another Buddy that you can take out on Missions and Side-Ops. He can be customized fully and you can equip multiple types of weapons on him, including a Fulton device, Flamethrower, etc. In order to unlock the F-Ballista upgrade Fulton ability for D-Walker, you need to Fulton 1000 items. He is also the fastest vehicle in the game. Easter EggsP.T. stands for Playable Teaser, and was made by 7780s Studios. The real maker is Kojima Productions. 7780 numbers sounds like Quiet Hill in Japanese, which reference to Silent Hill. P.T. was thus a "Silent Hills" demo (playable teaser) if you add s to 7780. In that game, there was a radio that played a news story about Lisa Garland getting murdered. That same news broadcast is in MGS5. If you go to Mother Base (any platform), and find construction signs, get very close and look up. You will see a green box falling and dropping on your head. This green box looks just like a supply drop in normal gameplay. This easter egg can be seen in this video: When you first started MGSV: Phantom Pain, you defined an Avatar, giving him a name, birthday, and appearance. There is an easter egg that happens if you play MGS5 on the same day in real life as the birthdate of your avatar. If you want to see the easter egg immediately, what you can do is disconnect to the internet, set the date of your PS4 manually to your Avatar's month and day (year doesn't matter). If you did it correctly, you should see a similar Happy Birthday Easter Egg as the video below left shows. As an added bonus, if you also have Quiet with 100% bond, she appears later in the video to give you a birthday surprise message on cigar crates (HBD), shown in bottom right video. Kojima Productions created a poster that mentions they are looking for people to join their studio. This poster or flyer was included in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Mission 1: Phantom Limbs). See video of where this easter egg is located: Hideo Kojima is the maker of the popular Metal Gear Solid video game series. He sometimes includes himself in the Metal Gear Solid games. If you rescued Hideo Kojima VIP from Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes in the Intel Operative Rescue mission, Hideo can be seen in your Intel Team on Mother Base if you did the data transfer. However, you do not actually need to do his mission in MGSV: GZ to get him into MGSV: Phantom Pain. You can just do Side Op 112 (Intel Agent Extraction) from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which will let you rescue Kojima again and put him in your Intel Team on Mother Base. The below left video shows the Phantom Pain rescue, and the subsequent searching for his profile icon on the Mother Base (via iDroid Staff Management menus). The below right video is the rescue from Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, which makes him join your helicopter, and Hideo will sometimes play with your mission selection by spinning it.
D-HorseD-Horse is one of the Buddies you can take with you into the battlefield in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. You can command him to do various things later in the game as you unlock new commands. One of the commands is telling your horse to poop! You are not able to kill your horse, but you can tranquilize and even tackle him (which the below video shows). The collision boundary is kinda small, so you can normally roll or walk all around your horse's legs without bumping into them or noticing them at all. CheatsYou can unlock the Chicken Hat if you die a lot of times repeatedly in a short amount of time. The first three times you are detected by the enemy, they seem to be in a trance. The fourth time, your Chicken Hat disappears, and everything is back to normal. You can turn this feature ON or OFF in the game menus as well. If wearing Chicken Hat does not help at all, and you are still dying often, then a special Lil' Chick Hat is unlocked for the super noob player. In order to trigger this, you must die about 10 times while Chicken Hat is still in effect. Wearing the Lil' Chick Hat renders you invisible to enemies (like a God Mode), but your footsteps can still be heard. Also, you scores will be zero (0) on missions. The Day 1 Edition gave you 4 items as bonuses. These are the Shield, Cardboard Box (Wetland), Fatigues (Blue), and Ocelot's engraved handgun. Certain areas of the map have hidden invisible walls blocking you for going outside the map. They are there to prevent you from going out of bounds. However, you can use tricks with D-Horse and vehicles to go out of bounds (out of map): Top 5 areas that are forbidden and are supposed to be secret in the game MGS5: Phantom Pain: Secret Forbidden Places in the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. See the top 5 places that are either forbidden, or are kept secret out of negligence, or on purpose. The Support Platform: FOB Core was purposely placed underground, with the location diagonally opposite the staircase leading to it in a building. This caused many people to not find the entrance, and complete the infiltration target on FOB Missions. One of the secret places is near the river close to Ngumba Industrial Zone. If you go southeast down that river, you will die and your mission will fail even if you are not in a mission. Two secret places in the OKB Zero (in Afghanistan) have places where if you step on them you die immediately. Lastly, at the Eastern Communications Post (also in Afghanistan), there is a secret hole that got past the QA team where you can enter the hole and see outside the clipping world boundary. Medals and Staff AbilityIn Staff Management, you can view any staff's ability that has a range of (in increasing value): E, D, C, B, A, A+, A++, S, S+, S++. You can also switch to a bar graph that shows column that represents an ability's value, which can range from 1 to 512. Here is a breakdown of the values…
You can get Distinguished Service Medal for a staff member in Combat Unit Platform by using him or her to complete regular Missions, Dispatch Missions, or FOB Infiltration Missions. Another way is to simply put that staff member in the security team and hope he or she survives an FOB Infiltration from another player. Service Cross staffs can be gotten from missions where you are rescuing them as hostages (Mission 17, 22, and 27). Another way is to simply get puppet soldiers from the Side Ops or extracting those leftover soldiers from winning missions with Parasite Soldiers [Armor]. The Wandering Mother Base Side Op soldiers will all have Service Cross. As for Medal of Honor, you need PlayStation Plus, and defend your base successfully from a live intruder while playing as a Combat Unit soldier. You need at least 2 medals (probably 3) in order to get all S++ for one soldier. Staff MoraleWhen you visit your FOB or Mother Base, soldiers will salute you, and you will get a message saying Morale is increased. You gain morale for yourself and that soldier each time this happens (but only once every 36 minutes). Your staff loses morale if your GMP is below zero. The moral points for each staff member can range from 0 to 15 with 3-7 as the normal equilibrium. Anything 8 or above will give extra Staff Ability points (temporarily). Anything 2 or below will make that staff member have an increased probability to leave and never come back.
SkillsHere are all the possible Skills your extracted recruits can have on Mother Base. You can view their Skill inside the Staff Management menu option of your iDroid.
Note: For table above, yellow entries are conditional. You may need to do extra missions or side ops, and sometimes they don't come back once they first leave, etc. PF Battles
PF Battles do not require your participation, and are simulated battles that you win or lose against other players based on your stats against their stats. You can increase your PF (Private Forces) stats by having more soldiers with the above skills. You can also obtain missiles (Liquid Carbon or Anti-Ballistic) via Dispatch Missions. These missiles can be used in PF battles against queued players to boost your attack or defense stats (one time use). Liquid Carbon Missiles increase your offensive stats (attacking others), while Anti-Ballistic Missiles increase your defensive stats (being attacked). If a queued PF battle hasn't happened yet, and you have queued a missile to be used, you can cancel it before the battle happens to get back your missile. Having respective engineers skilled in Anti-Ballistic Missile or Liquid Carbon Missile will increase your missile stats as well. Therefore, having lots of missiles engineers, but not using any missiles in PF Battles, would be a waste of their skill. Unlockable Items
Yellow denotes restrictions of mission completion rank to an A or below, and cannot be used during FOB Missions. All BlueprintsHere are all the Blueprints.
All Key Items20 KEY ITEMS are available for collecting in the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Collecting them allows you unlock new items and weapons.
All Music Tapes (With Effects)
You need to play them through the speaker. All Music Tapes
Wandering Mother Base Soldiers Mementos
Trophies and AchievementsHere are all the possible Trophies (PS4 Version) from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. If you complete all of them, you should get: One (1) Platinum Trophy, Two (2) Gold Trophies, Thirteen (13) Silver Trophies, Twenty Seven (27) Bronze Trophies, with Fourteen (14) of them Hidden Trophies.
Note: Yellow entries denote hidden trophies. All Vehicles
edepot did this webpage for all the fans of Metal Gear. You can support edepot's effort in getting all the secrets from this game by subscribing to the (edepot YouTube channel). More secrets are revealed in videos from the MGSV:Phantom Pain playlist at the end of every video. For those wishing to give financial support, you can actually become a member of edepot channel (look for the sponsor or membership link or button when you visit the edepot YouTube channel). Copyright (C) all rights reserved. | Back to Game Depot |