Pixel Starships Galaxy - Secrets, Tips, and Easter Eggs
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Pixel Starships Galaxy is an 8-bit retro graphics type game by Savy Soda. You command a starship from one of three factions (Federation, Pirate, or Qtarian) and battle other players or against NPC starships. Your ship can contain multiple rooms that can hold multiple crew members. Many room types can be upgraded multiple times (using Gas or Minerals) and crew members can also be leveled up (from 1 to max 40 using experience points). In addition, upgrading your ship (from level 1 to max level 12 using Minerals) increases space for placing more rooms.
Crew Rarity
There are many different crews you can obtain, each being from one of 7 rarity types (delineated by number of stars or an emblem):
Common (1 Star)
Elite (2 Stars)
Unique (3 Stars)
Epic (4 Stars)
Hero (5 Stars)
Special (Shield Emblem)
Legendary (Eagle Emblem)
You can merge two crews with same rarity to yield one higher rarity crew by putting the two lower rarity crews into the same bedroom and selecting Prestige option. The highest possible rarity is Legendary. Note that Special crews can't be prestiged (those with the Shield emblem), and two Hero crews merged together will yield a Legendary crew member (not a Special crew rarity). The recipe for what two crews yield which crew changes every 3 months. Crew members that are 3 stars or higher have a special ability that is unlocked when they are level 10 or higher.
All Crew Abilities in Pixel Starships Galaxy
Here are all 14 Crew Abilities in Pixel Starships Galaxy:
Crew Ability
Sets the current room on fire for NUMBER seconds.
Blaze Walk
Automatically sets the current room on fire for NUMBER seconds.
Double combat speed for NUMBER seconds.
Critical Attack
Deals NUMBER damage to the current targeted enemy crew.
Cryo Blast
Stops the actions of all enemy crews in the current room for NUMBER seconds.
First Aid
Restores NUMBER hp to self.
Healing Rain
Restores NUMBER hp to all friendly crews in the current room.
Phase Shift
Forms a shield that prevents all attacks and abilities targeting this crew for NUMBER seconds.
Poison Gas
Deals NUMBER damage to all enemy crews in the current room.
Rush Command
Increases reload progress of current room by PERCENTAGE.
Stasis Shield
Shields the current room from all attacks and abilities for NUMBER seconds. The affected room cannot be activated for the durations of the ability.
System Hack
Delays the current room's reload progress by NUMBER seconds and destroys all non-barrier type Modules inside the room. Will not trigger on unpowered rooms.
Ultra Dismantle
Deals NUMBER damage to the current room.
Urgent Repair
Repairs current room for NUMBER damage.
Again, crews with abilities need to be level 10 or higher in order to use them (mainly via A.I. commands). Also, the NUMBER and PERCENTAGE above vary depending on level, type, training, and rarity of crew.
Crew Easter Eggs: Similarities to Real People (or Fictional Heroes)
Although the names have been obscured, many of the crew members in Pixel Starships resemble historical characters or famous fictional characters in games or films. Some crew names are exactly the same as historical characters from Three Kingdoms period of China. Here is listing of some of them:
Crew Name
Crew Description
Resembled Name
Resembled Description
Admiral Serena
Once a star athlete, she's decided to turn her considerable talents to the business of space flight.
Serena Williams
Famous Tennis Player.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for a mobile game.
Neil Armstrong
First man on the Moon.
Runs a side business safely removing snakes from ship ventilization.
Abu Zarin Hussin
Famous snake whisperer.
Bad Uncle
First generation synthetic human. Spends as long to style hair as real human.
Roy Batty
Leader replicant from Bladerunner movie.
Documents all the cultures of the galaxy, but in a profoundly obnoxious fashion.
Borat Sagdiyev
From Borat movie.
Drank beer until DNA mutated. Developed regeneration ability.
James "Logan" Howlett is Wolverine.
Captain Mack Swallow
A Pirate King turned Starship Captain.
Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean movie character
An ancient and inscrutable evil, luckily very easy to distract with a ball of yarn.
Cosmic entity created by author H. P. Lovecraft
Uses a whole bottle of shampoo every day.
From Star Wars movie.
Countess Miyoko
Voted 'most likely to overthrow the empress' in her high-school yearbook. Her parents couldn't be more proud.
Empress Michiko
Japanese Emperor Akihito's Wife
Demon Boy
Actually a really nice guy.
From Dark Horse Comics
A female tutorial synth. Reminds you of the days back at the academy.
Dolores Abernathy from Westworld
Gong Fu girl
A martial artist out ot prove herself the equal of any man.
From Street Fighter arcade games.
Green Ranger - Oliver
Even the infinite void of space cannot hide wrongdoers from justice!
Tommy Oliver
Power Rangers
Huge Hellaloya
Once partied with a thousand cute cadets; now hangs around Starship staff quarters.
Hugh Hefner
Founder of Playboy magazine
If he's got a bat, stand back! This guy hits like no one else!
Ichiro Suzuki
Famous Japanese baseball player
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
Jesus Christ
King Dong
Favourite Food: Banana. Favourite Toy: Barbie
King Kong
Famous gorilla monster movie
King Salamander
Everything he owns is made of gold. Even his clothes, somehow.
King Salman
Saudi Arabia King: Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Leon Mars
Wants to ship his car to Mars.
Elon Musk
Founder of SpaceX and Tesla
Born to be king.
Richard the Lionheart
King Richard I of England
Mad Jackson
Ask anyone who knows him, he's not really mad. He's furious!
Nick Fury
Nick Fury played by Samuel Jackson
Machina Project. Second Generation Synthetic Human. Loves and Cries, like a real Human.
From "Ex Machina" Movie
A plumber turned professional boxer.
Conor McGregor
Irish mixed martial artist.
Wants to either marry a president, or BE a president. She isn't choosy about which.
Michelle Obama
US President Barack Obama's Wife
Miss Jane
An escapee from a top-secret Federation facility, she was gifted with the inexplicable power of pyrokinesis.
Jean Grey
Phoneix Force: Marvel Comics superhero
Monkey King
The first monkey to successfully captain a ship.
Sun Wukong (孫悟空)
Monkey in Journey to the West
Mr Cray
An angry young man, always goofing around with a screwdriver.
The Doctor
From Doctor Who.
'I Never Compromise.' - Nezha
Nezha (哪吒)
Taoist protection deity.
Paralympic God
Spend decades working out the rules of the universe... then realised he forgot to carry the one.
Stephen Hawking
British physicist with ALS.
Gets his shirt off at every opportunity.
Russia president
Many an unwary shipmate has been eaten whilst laughing at this surprisingly powerful creature.
From Japanese monster movie
Private Brian
Many have died trying to save him.
Private Ryan
From Saving Private Ryan movie.
Artificial life, superior technology. Pay no attention to the man inside.
Optimus Prime
From Robotron.
Robyna Hoots
Good with a bow, which doesn't mean much in an age of lasers.
Robin Hood
Robbed rich and gave to poor.
Always seems to have a soccer ball on his person. Where is he keeping them?
Cristiano Ronaldo wearing no. 7 shirt
Pleasant, shy, loves death metal and punk music.
Sakura Gakuin
Babymetal spinoff of Sakura Gakuin
Salon Customer
Hangs out at the local basketball court.
Kim Jong-un
Supreme Leader of North Korea
I am a machine but I know what love is! - thunder_kiss_65 (July 2016 Winner).
Space Construction Vehicle from Starcraft
Crikey! He has a pet crocodile.
Steve Irwin
Famous Austrailian crocodile hunter.
Stove Tops
Was CEO of a popular fruit company.
Steve Jobs
Founder of Apple company.
For a professional golfer, this tiger spends a lo tof time in the woods.
Tiger Woods
Professional golpher.
The Red Baron
Hardened by a hundred sorties, this Flying Ace has never lost a dogfight.
Manfred von Richthofen
German WWI Fighter Pilot
Transport Driver
He's not so bad, just don't touch his car.
Frank Martin
The Transporter movies starting Jason Statham
I am Legend(ary)
Will Smith
Main actor From "I Am Legend" movie
Crew Name
Crew Description
Resembled Name
Three Kingdoms Description
Cao Cao
An Ancient Chinese Emperor. What is he doing here!?
Cao Cao (曹操)
Famous warlord.
Da Qiao
Older sister of Xiao Qiao, gifted musician and dancer.
Da Qiao (大橋)
Big Qiao sister.
Dong Zhuo
Old, crotchety, kind of a perv.
Dong Zhuo (董卓)
Killed by Lu Bu.
Guan Yu
Long beard, loves green.
Guan Yu (關羽)
One of Five Tiger Generals under Liu Bei.
Liu Bei
Likes to drink tea with his army friends.
Liu Bei (劉備)
Famous warlord.
Lyu Bu
A powerful warrior, still hasn't worked out how to talk to girls.
Lu Bu (呂布)
Nicknamed Flying General.
Ma Chao
Hero or traitor? You be the judge. A brave leader of the Three Kingdoms.
Ma Chao (馬超)
One of Five Tiger Generals under Liu Bei.
Meng Huo
Seven times captured, seven times freed! A powerful warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
Meng Huo (孟獲)
Shu Han area.
Xiahou Dun
What could be more hardcore than eating your own eye? A courageous general of the Three Kingdoms.
Xiahou Dun (夏侯惇)
Served under Cao Cao.
Zhang Fei
Hot tempered and smelly.
Zhang Fei (張飛)
One of Five Tiger Generals under Liu Bei.
Zhao Yun
They call him the Dragon Warrior, even though he is self-evidently human.
Zhao Yun (趙雲)
One of Five Tiger Generals under Liu Bei.
Zhuge Liang
Likes board games, cheats remorselessly.
Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮)
Shu Han area.
Xiao Qiao
Younger sister of Da Qiao, gifted scholar and philosopher.
Xiao Qiao (小橋)
Little Qiao sister.
How To Get Mining Drone and Mine For Materials
How to get Mining Drone and location of all 10 Mineable Planets in the game Pixel Starships: Galaxy. Video shows a map of the galaxy of stars and where you can mine planets for Carbon, Iron, Gold, Silicon, and Titanium (2 planets possible for each material). There currently is no way to mine for Dark Matter. There is a Mining 102 mission (at Sirius star for Pirate faction, Alpha Centauri star for Federation faction, and Tau Ceti star for Qtarian faction) that allows you to get extra Mining Drones with each visit. You can get a maximum of 3 Mining Drones for 1 Starbux each, but for each drone, you must plant it (drill for material) before you can get another Mining Drone. Also, the planets where you can mine won't be activated unless you have a free Mining Drone in your inventory. Note that the max number of mining drones you can mine at the same time has changed across different versions. The 10 Planet's star system (and associated material fragments you can mine) are:
Epsilon Aurigae: Carbon
Pilgrimage: Carbon
Betelgeuse: Gold
Epsilon Eridani: Gold
Ross 128: Iron
Ross 248: Iron
Gliese 1: Silicon
Pylon: Silicon
Osiris 2: Titanium
Tycho: Titanium
Mining 102 Location (by faction)
Pirate: Sirius
Federation: Alpha Centauri
Qtarian: Tau Ceti
Video also shows how to warp to any planet fast (even across the galaxy) by finding a midway point and press "Rush Travel" if the travel time is less than 5 minutes. At the end of the video you get an example of combining fragments into upgraded materials and a sample PVP battle using edepot's Level 12 starship. Also, members of edepot's fleet are shown if you are interested in joining a fleet in Pixel Starships: Galaxy.
Get answers to these questions:
Where do I get a mining drone?
How many planets can you mine from?
Can you get more than one mining drone?
What materials can you mine?
Where are the locations of all mineable planets?
Pixel Starships: Galaxy (PSSG) is a mobile game available for iOS and Android devices. Gameplay from iPad version of PSSG..
Tips and Tricks
Joining a Fleet
Join a fleet when your starship reaches level 4. You can do this by building a Fleet Council room, clicking on it, then select Search. Search for "edepot" and join if you wish to join a top 100 fleet that also has a Starbase. Fleets with a starbase will help damage your opponent when you do PvP against other players. In addition, you can borrow crew members from other fleet members (more than supported by number of Bedrooms you have). As a bonus, edepot fleet has a Starbux Printer.
Starbux Printer
The Starbux Printer in the fleet Starbase gives out free Starbux once per day for every fleet member. The Starbux printer can be upgraded to give out max 4 Starbux per day for each fleet member. Each member only needs to visit the Starbase and click on the free Starbux icon once per day to get the 4 Starbux (the icon represents however much Starbux is given for that day for each member, not 1 Starbux).
Room Armor
Try to place armor around small powered rooms (those that occupy 1 or 2 width spaces). Armor must be next to the room touching it (diagonally placed armor does not count). You may not have enough armor to guard every room, so protect the small powered rooms first, then continue to larger powered rooms. Smaller rooms are weaker than larger rooms, and needs more armor. Once you have done that, put armor modules (Succulent, Sandbags, etc) inside powered small rooms occupying 2 width spaces first, continuing to the powered larger rooms. A room is powered if it has green little squares above the room. Non-powered rooms have greater innate armor protection, so worry about the powered rooms first. One easy pattern of Armor placement is two horizontal parallel lines of Armor. The middle between the two Armor lines you would place 1 and 2 width rooms (and imporant rooms like Shield Generator and Teleport rooms). The top and bottom layer of the two Armor lines, you place 3 width rooms.
Attacking Strategies
There are many techniques to win battles against other starships. One technique is to teleport many crews to the other ship (telespam) to do damage to their reactors (energy generators), crew, or other types of rooms. Another is to only use Penetrator missiles to bypass room armor and damage the enemy starship's hull directly (penspam). One common late stage strategy is to have many Legendary crews having equipments that increase stats or abilities. These crew members then stand in important rooms to enhance the room's reload rate (rate of fire, rate of shield restoration, etc). You should set the A.I. of all your weapon rooms to target the same enemy room type (focus fire). In addition, target the smaller rooms, as they are weaker. One easy technique is to PP or PD weapons to take down enemy shields and then the rest of the weapon rooms focus fire on the enemy Anti-Air room or other 1 or 2 width rooms. Because enemy powered rooms can be repaired by their crew (sometimes using high hp crew with good repair stats or abilities), it may be worth it in special cases to focus fire on a 2 width non-powered room that has no armor protection. Non-powered rooms can't be repaired, so damage to the starship's hull with regular weapons can't be interrupted. The tradeoff is that non-powered rooms have by default higher innate armor protection.
Room Stats and Crew Stats
All crew members (including 1 star and 2 stars rarity) have innate stats that increases reload rate of rooms just by standing in them. These stats are in addition to the crew abilities only available to 3 stars rarity and up crews. The important room related stats are WPN (weapon), ENG (engineer), PLT (pilot), and SCI (science). By looking at the profile of a room, you can know its stats type, allowing you to know what crew (having high compatible stats) should be placed in them.
Get Dolores Synth Robot Fast
Dolores is a female Synth (robot) that is of Special rarity (like the captain you got in beginning of the game). Dolores is very useful against the standard 3v3 turn-based ground missions, as she can use her Cyro Blast ability to freeze enemies in place for multiple turns. All Dolores parts (head, chest, arms, legs) are available eventually if you play long enough. The first one you get is her head and you can only get of them, then other parts come when you complete missions or the pop in missions when you first run the game. Save some Starbux to purchase her extra parts. Because you can only get one head, you can't make multiple Dolores synths. Note that Dolores can't equip any equipment, but she makes up for it in that she can attack twice per turn during turn-based ground missions.
Rush to Level 12 Starship
Your starship can be leveled up from level 1 to max level 12. Although many people say to upgrade the rooms first before upgrading your starship, a better strategy is to upgrade your starship to level 12 as soon as possible. This gives you more space to put more rooms and also unlocks better types of weapon rooms only available at higher level starships. Your rooms may be weaker in the beginning, but they are more than offset by number of extra rooms and better weapon rooms available. There are 3 special starships made for each faction later in the game when you reach level 11 or 12 that offers a lot of space for your rooms (call T1 Grids). You need to research Advanced Starships Technology Research to purchase these faction locked ships using only minerals (no Blueprint or Starbux required). It is also suggested that you research Starship Hull Expansion Research so that you can purchase the Extended Hull option for your starship for 1500 Starbux. Extended Hull versions of your starships unlock T2 Grids, allowing you to move your storage type rooms to the T2 extra grids opened up just for them. After doing this, your normal T1 Grids will have the space for important non-storage rooms. The following are the level 12 starships for each faction, and the special faction locked advanced starship below it. Note that although the advanced Qtarian starship has less room, the hybrid flat design allows for more efficient room placement. Also, the Scavenger Hulk has a lot of grid space, so choose Pirate faction if you want lots of grid space for rooms in endgame.
Starship Name
T1 Grids
T2 Grids
Pirate Titan
Scavenger Hulk
Federation Titan
Federation Assault Titan
Qtarian Titan
Qtarian Hybrid Titan
Other Special Ships
If you are not satisfied with the faction ships, you can also buy special ships using Blueprints, Starbux, or both. One of the latest updates provided these 3 starships with lots of grid space for 3000 Starbux (but you should also extend them to Extended Hull versions using 1500 Starbux). Note that Advanced Starships Technology Research needs to be researched for these ships to be purchasable.
Starship Name
T1 Grids
T2 Grids
Alpha Piscium Megalith
Super Rock Destroyer
Fleetbreaker's Wrath
Below is a video showing good room layout for two endgame starships: Level 12 Scavenger Hulk Extended and Level 12 Fleetbreaker's Wrath Extended. Use the video to see how to organize a pretty good layout for rooms, elevators, and armor.
Finish the Daily Missions
One of the fastest way to earn experience is to do the daily missions. At level 12 Starship, the available daily missions will sometimes drop 1000 EXP, 3000 EXP, or 10000 EXP items. You can use the 10000 EXP version to quickly level up any crew from level 35 to level 40. You can normally do 9 planets worth of daily miasions spread out across the galaxy. These planets are highlighted light blue in color and each planet has 3 (sometimes 4) missions you can do each day. By finishing the daily missions, many low level crew members will have enough EXP to level up. In addition you will have accumulated a lot of minerals and gas to upgrade your crew or rooms.
Multiple Farming Accounts
Pixel Starship Galaxy may be geared towards Pay-to-Win, but it is possible to play casually without spending any real money. You can register multiple emails and use multiple devices to command many starships. Each of those accounts can watch about 40 ads per day to get around 120 Starbux each per day. The gBay market can be used to transfer bux between your accounts. One technique is to have one main starship account and multiple farming accounts. The main account will sell items in the market for hundreds of Starbux, then you buy those items back using your farming accounts to transfer the Starbux from your farming accounts to your main account. So for example, if you have 3 accounts, you can get 120 Starbux per day on your main account and 192 per day from your two farming accounts (240 minus the 20% gBay transaction fee). Suggested item to use for selling is the Weak Growth Supplement. The community of players has decided to price this item high in Starbux to transfer Starbux, but also sell cheaply with minerals or gas. This provides a very high and very low daily average in price, so that gBay Buyer Protection is not triggered. gBay Buyer Protection will prevent other players from buying any item you put for sale if it far exceeds the average high market price. If in the future the Weak Growth Supplement is gBay protection locked when you try to buy, find other items that have big differences between low and high price, and use that to transfer Starbux. Your farming accounts can also be used to transfer gas and minerals as well (sell small crates for high gas or minerals from your main account), so you can quickly level up your rooms or crew on your main account.
Try to research ability to place multiple modules in rooms from your Laboratory as soon as possible. Then put Sandbags (or upgraded versions) in each of your 2 grid wide rooms. Place Water Sprinker (or upgraded versions) in important rooms (Reactor, Teleport, Shield Generator, Super Weapons, etc). Also, place mines in your Reactor rooms because enemy boarders usually attack your energy generating rooms first.
Mine 3 Planets Daily
One of the things you should always do each day (or when you log in) is to place 3 mining drones on 3 different planets. You can mine what you think is important for crafting items, but I find that the best way is to mine 2 silicon resource planets and and an iron resource planet. You can sell the Silicon material for gas and the iron material for minerals or use them to craft Sandbag (6 silicon), Proximity Mine (6 iron), and Water Sprinker (7 iron, 1 silicon) modules. Mining is a great way for your farming accounts to accumulate minerals, gas, or modules needed by your main account. In fact, your farming accounts don't even need to do any PvP or daily missions, but just collect iron and silicon to be converted into stuff needed by your main account.
Get Starbux Fast
A trick to gain Starbux is to wait for the daily shop sale, buy the item (if it can be sold), and then put it on the gBay market the next day at 50% to 100% higher in price (or wait how many days until the price goes back up to normal). The daily shop sale item is usually highly discounted in price, providing a great way to earn Starbux if you resell it at normal price. Even if you miss a daily shop sale, the item is available for purchase for 30 days if you pay an extra 20% penalty. Simply visit Pixel Starships Website, log in, and go into the Sales section. The Daily Dropship also provides discounted items for sale. The first dropship usually has crew and if you dimiss it, the second dropship with items will appear.
Mineral and Gas Swaps
Once you have accumulated more minerals or gas than can fit in your Mineral Storage or Gas Storage, extras get lost if you try to claim more. It is possible to keep about 2 ot 3 Million extra minerals or gas in the inbox by moving them from the storage into your inbox. To do this, sell a small mineral crate or small gas crate priced in 500k mineral or 500k gas (the overflowing material you want placed in your inbox) in the market. Then make a comment in public chat saying "min swap" or "gas swap". People will buy your crate, putting 500k mineral or gas into your inbox. Now the buyer of your item will put your crate back into the market for you to buy back (at the same price). Once you buy the crate back, the 500k mineral or gas will be taken from your storage. Your storage can now be freed up to get more mineral or gas, with the freed up material now in your inbox. Do this swap multiple times until all the minerals or gas are taken out of your storages. Note that you lose about 20% during each transaction, but it is better than throwing them away when your storage is full.
You should buy every bedroom you see on the daily shop sale. These bedrooms give you ability to place more crew on your starship. The standard Bedroom holds 5 crew and you can get three of them. The extra bedrooms you can buy usually holds only one crew. However, the exception is the Aquarium bedroom, which can hold 2 crew if you upgrade it. Here is a listing of all 10 different types of Bedrooms:
Bedroom (5 crew)
Captain's Quarters
Car Garage
Aquarium (2 crew)
Xmas Tree
Cat House
Dog House
Note that the Dog House is the only one requiring purchase with real money. Along with your three standard Bedrooms, if you buy every bedroom type above (limited to one each), you can have 25 permanent crews on your starship. In addition, you can borrow a maximum of 3 crews from other fleet members through your Fleet Council room, but these crew are temporary, returning after their time is up (usually less than a day). You can set up a system of having an alternative account that holds specific crew that is constantly borrowed by your main account, thereby allowing your main account to constantly have 28 crew members.
Boost Gauge
The Boost Gauge can be researched in the Lab room and allows you to speed up construction time of rooms for free. There is a limited amount of boost time (time is upgradable with a higher Boost Gauge research). Note that you cannot research Boost Gauge unless you log in from Steam (PC) or MacOS version of Pixel Starships: Galaxy. So if you play on Apple mobile devices (running iOS like iPhone, iPad), you can simply download the game on a PC or MacOS, research it there, and the Boost Gauge will now show up on the iOS device version of Pixel Starships: Galaxy.
Special Rooms (Switchable)
There are special rooms that once constructed, you can change (or switch) different types of weapons on them.
Medium Weapons Platform (MWP) is a 3 grid wide room that can hold Photon Disruptor (PD), Laser Blaster (LB), or Railgun (RG)
Small Weapons Platform (SWP) is a 2 grid wide room that can hold Photon Phaser (PP), Minigun (MG), or Irradiator (IR)
Defense Platform (DP) is a 2 grid wide room that can hold Avenger Defense System or Seeker Defense System
The Photon weapons are good against enemy shields. The Irradiator is good against enemy crew.
Room Skins and Alternative Variations
Many rooms in Pixel Starships Galaxy can have graphical skins that can be applied to them. These skins are cosmetic only and do not affect performance of the rooms. Normally, you can revert the room skin back to the default appearance. In addition, some rooms have Alternative Variations, which means you don't apply a skin to a room, but rather you buy a specific variation of a room. Once you buy one variation of a room, you can't later buy the other variations.
The following are original rooms you can apply a skin (or get alternative variations):
Room Name
Skin or Variations
Captain's Quarters
Love Quarters Velvet Sanctuary
Graveyard Skin
Has Candles
Zakian Cryopod
Cosmic Bridge
Fleet Council
HYDRA龍 Council
EMP Cannon
Remodeled EMP Cannon Warp EMP Cannon
Galaxy Gate Hydragate
Med Bay
Healing Pod Hydra Pod
Warp Drive HYDRA龍 Engine
Galactic Bolter
Laser Blaster
Galaxy Blaster
Build in Medium Weapons Platform
Sterilizer Hydra Venomizer
Build in Small Weapons Platform
Ion Cannon
Galactic Ion Cannon
Mineral Mining Laser
Mineral Mining Laser - Soda Edition
K Blaster
Kias Phaser
Multi Missile Launcher
KS Multi Missile Launcher
Mineral Storage
Automated Mineral Vendor Hydra Mineral Vault
Serious Workshop
HYDRA Workshop
Genetic Laboratory HYDRA龍 Laboratory
Power Capacitor
Colored Power Capacitor
Small Beacon
Beacon of Radiance Danger Beacon
Disintegrator Gate
Zaki Tentacle Garden
Pool Spin Gym Wheel Gym Zaki Dragon Gym
2 Width
Galaxy Gym
Olympics Pool Zaki Dragon Gym
3 Width
Hydrascale Armor Radiant Scale Armor
Subspace Radar Hydradar
Cloak Generator
Hologram Projector Chromatic Hologram Projector
Special Events
There are various special events throughout the year: Chinese New Year (Lucky Coins), Thanksgiving (Turkey), Easter (Bunny), Halloween (Pumpkins) and Christmas (Gifts).
Unlock Secret Graveyard Skin during Halloween
Video above shows how to unlock a secret Graveyard skin for the Graveyard bedroom using a Carving Knife and Scary Pet Pumpkin. During October, the two weeks Halloween Spooktacular event gives out free Pumpkins. If you have 10 of them, you can upgrade (combine) them to make a Pet Pumpkin. Afterwards, use the Carving Knife on the Pet Pumpkin (by selecting upgrade option on one of them) to craft a Scary Pet Pumpkin (knife will be lost in the process). Only captains can have a pet, so find your captain and equip the Scary Pet Pumpkin that gives you +22% Ability. After crafting the Scary Pet Pumpkin, the Graveyard bedroom now has an option to upgrade to the newly unlocked Graveyard skin. You can also switch Graveyard skin back and forth (from the old to new and back again). Later in the video, see edepot's pretty good room layout of a Level 12 Scavenger Hulk Extended Hull starship. Note that if you missed the Graveyard room or the Carving Knife from the daily store sales, you can log in to the main pixelstarships website (Sales section) and get a second chance of getting them using Starbux (at a bit higher price). Join edepot fleet to get into tournaments and get free doves to trade in for prizes. Gameplay walkthrough on iPad Pro version of Pixel Starships Galaxy.
Hear Christmas Songs during Christmas
During Christmas, the music of the loading screen and the background asteroids and stars change to reflect a holiday spirit (this is in addition to changes in graphics also). You can hear jingle bells and similar sounds in the songs.
Armor, Weapons, Pets, Accessories, and Modules
Your crew should be equipped with appropriate gear for the task they specialize in. Boarders and defenders should have high HP and ATK stats. Crews that mostly stand in certain rooms should have matching equipment that enhance the same stats for that room. For example, the Shield Generator room should have crew wearing high SCI stats. Note that equipments can have different rarity. The highest rarity is Legendary equipment, which normally adds a second bonus stat named Random +??. The Random stat is revealed when you purchase the equipment from the Daily Shop, or shown already when others are selling them on the gBay market. During endgame, try to prestige all your crew to Legendary crew, and have each wearing appropriate Legendary gear. As an example, a boarder should get a Skullmet having ATK +.9 and a bonus of HP, STA (Stamina), or more ATK. Note that crews normally can only wear 2 equipment, out of the following five types: Head, Body, Legs, Weapon, and Accessory. Only your starting captain can have more than 2 slots, and your captain is the only one that can equip a Pet. The following is a list of gear and modules in Pixel Starships: Galaxy.