On the Subject of Goals
A Master and disciple are taking a long walk in the woods...
- Disciple:
- Master, I am lonely. I do not feel at peace.
I feel I lack someone who I can be intimate with. A soulmate
if you will.
- Master:
- Why do you not seek one?
- Disciple:
- I have, but I guess because of circumstances, I am unable to find a mate.
After a while, subconsciously, I feel a big conflict in myself. I
need to find an outlet. My heart is empty. My sexual desires are
- Master:
- How do you deal with it?
- Disciple:
- I guess I turned it inward. I needed a reason to protect
my sanity. A way to justify my lonely life.
Buddhist monks are celibate. I have chose this path as an excuse
for my inability to find a mate. I have chosen to remove my desires
of being with the opposite sex because my inner-self was in agony.
An agony as a result of being rejected and my inability of finding
someone that loves me. I have found a path that accepted my
condition and turned it into a sought after value... the Buddhist ideal
of refraining from all desires including sex.
- Master:
- It is your self-esteem you are protecting. Everyone has
an internal measuring stick they use to judge their success. These
are basically internal goals that need to be met for you to feel
confident and content in life. Anyone who turns to Buddhism as an excuse
for failure (whatever it may be) is making a big mistake in life. We are
all bound to fail in certain circumstances. You are accepting failure as an
end-all solution to your problems and you are using the ideal of having no desires (hence no goals) as an excuse to protect your self-esteem.
At this moment, the Master pushes the disciple away from him.
- Master:
- Do not come back until you are ready.